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Non-repudiation: Your Virtual Shield in Cybersecurity

In the digital world, where countless users communicate, share data, and engage in diverse activities, determining the origin and actions behind these interactions can be quite challenging. This is where non-repudiation steps in. Coupling other security factors, such as delivery proof, identity verification, and a digital signature, creates non-repudiation. This guarantees that the parties involved in the transmission are unable to renounce the execution of an action.

Security Best Practices in the Web Development Life Cycle

From the backend developer's perspective, we have learned that addressing security at every phase of the web development life cycle can significantly mitigate risks and protect both data and infrastructure. Here follows a detailed walkthrough of security best practices across the stages of web development, from planning to deployment and maintenance. It is important to work with cybersecurity-minded web developers who take security seriously throughout the web development life cycle.

Outpost24 Introduces Application Security Expert Service to Eliminate False Positives

Outpost24 is pleased to announce the launch of our bespoke application security service, DAST Expert. With this innovative offering, organizations gain access to in-depth analysis of application security scanning results, eliminating false positives and enabling you to prioritize remediation efforts more effectively.

Solving the Help Desk Dilemma with P-DEM

Leaders and agents running enterprise help desks today are in a very tough spot. They are tasked with resolving a dramatically increased volume of tickets, yet lack the visibility and tools needed to do so. Overwhelmed and often unable to do their jobs effectively, help desk professionals inevitably fall back on guidelines and rules of thumb that are simplistic and don’t reflect the complexity of a hybrid, digital workforce. Time is then wasted trying remedies that don’t produce results.

Inside the war room: Best practices learned from the Sumo Logic security incident

In November 2023, Sumo Logic experienced a security incident. While no one wants to be a victim of a cyberattack, and we certainly learned a lot about things that we can do better in the future, our team was lauded by customers and media alike for how we handled the situation underscoring the importance of a good incident response plan. One of the core values at Sumo Logic is that we’re in it with our customers. But more broadly speaking, we’re in it with the InfoSec community.

Introducing the Wallarm Q1 2024 API ThreatStats Report

As we have in previous editions of the ThreatStats report, we highlight the industry’s top API-related attacks and trends. New to this version, however, is a detailed analysis of API attacks targeting AI-based applications, representing a new and rapidly expanding threat vector. And while we encourage you to download the full report, here are some key observations about what you’ll find within. API threats to AI applications are clearly on the rise.

Afni's Brent Deterding on deploying MFA for 10,000 employees and becoming "the Happy CISO"

In this week’s episode of The Future of Security Operations podcast, I'm joined by Brent Deterding. Brent has over 25 years of experience in security, both on the vendor side and now as a security leader. He spent a big part of his career with cloud-native security analytics platform SecureWorks, and he’s currently the CISO of Afni, a global provider of contact center solutions in the U.S., Philippines, and Mexico.

Simplifying Security Workflows with ThreatQuotient Automation

It’s not just about speeding up processes; it’s about efficiency, accuracy, and ultimately, staying one step ahead of threats. At ThreatQuotient, we’re committed to partnering with our customers to harness the power of automation in targeted ways that simplify and streamline workflows for security teams.