Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Securing the Supply Chain - Automating our Way Out of Security Whack-a-Mole

Open-source components forever changed how we build software, but they are also a prominent security threat, nothing illustrated this better than the recent XZ library incident where the world narrowly avoided a massive supply chain attack. Join Gene Gotimer and Mackenzie Jackson to discuss how we can keep our open-source supply chains secure as we discuss: Security implications of vulnerable open-source components How using automation can help us move toward a secure supply chain How to discover and detect vulnerable components.

Introducing GitGuardian's Advanced Jira Cloud integration

Speed up your remediation workflow with GitGuardian's new Advanced Jira Cloud integration: Users have already been able to manually open Jira tickets from the incident view in the dashboard. Now, you can configure GitGuardian to create a new Jira ticket to track any needed development efforts. You can also configure the Jira tickets to resolve an incident in GitGuardian when a specific status is reached. It will mark the associated incident as Resolved so you can stay focused on other work.

Scaling Privileged Access for Modern Infrastructure Real World Insights

Implementing and scaling privileged access in modern computing environments generates new challenges for security and engineering productivity. Modern computing architectures are ephemeral, elastic, on-demand, and complex. This webinar delves into the challenges faced by platform engineering and infrastructure teams when enabling secure access in these environments.

Going Backstage with OPA

The huge ecosystem of integrations has over time become a true differentiator for Open Policy Agent (OPA), and an embodiment of the project’s promise to provide policy across the “whole cloud native stack”. Integrating OPA into a new tech stack also tends to be a rewarding experience for developers, which might help explain why so many integrations have been provided by external contributors over the years.

What is HashiCorp Vault and How Does it Work?

With technological advancements, organizations are moving to the public cloud, which has resulted in a major concern: data security. Traditional methods of managing secrets and sensitive information are proving inadequate, especially when there is a high volume of private data. Here comes the need for HashiCorp Vault: a solution that offers a centralized and robust system to safeguard sensitive information. In this blog, we will explore HashiCorp Vault’s purpose, benefits, and use cases.

Why you NEED an Open Source Vulnerability Scanner

Here are 7 reasons why you need an open source vulnerability scanner. ✍️ Resources ✍️ ⏲️ Chapters ⏲️ ⚒️ About Snyk ⚒️ Snyk helps you find and fix vulnerabilities in your code, open-source dependencies, containers, infrastructure-as-code, software pipelines, IDEs, and more! Move fast, stay secure.