Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Dive into AI and LLM learning with the new Snyk Learn learning path

Snyk Learn, our developer security education platform, just got better! We have expanded our lesson coverage and created a new learning path that covers the OWASP Top 10 for LLMs and GenAI, and is entirely free! As AI continues to revolutionize industries, ensuring the security of AI-driven systems has never been more critical.

Meet Snyk for Government: Our developer security solution with FedRAMP ATO

The Snyk team is excited to announce that our FedRAMP sponsor, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS), has granted authorization (ATO), enabling their teams to leverage our public sector offering, Snyk for Government (SFG). This stage signifies that we are almost at the finish line of the FedRAMP process and points to our continued investment and support of public sector organizations in their application security efforts.

Want to avoid a data breach? Employ secrets detection

As a software developer, ensuring the security of your applications is paramount. A crucial part of this task involves managing secrets and employing a secrets detection tool. In this context, secrets refer to sensitive data such as API keys, database credentials, encryption keys, and other confidential information. Their unauthorized access or exposure can lead to catastrophic consequences, including data breaches and severe business losses.

How to mitigate security issues in GenAI code and LLM integrations

GitHub Copilot and other AI coding tools have transformed how we write code and promise a leap in developer productivity. But they also introduce new security risks. If your codebase has existing security issues, AI-generated code can replicate and amplify these vulnerabilities.

Announcing new Snyk AppRisk integration with Orca Security

We’re excited to announce a new Snyk AppRisk integration with Orca Security that brings the best of two worlds together: developer-loved, security-trusted application security from Snyk and leading cloud security from Orca. This integration is big news for organizations looking to align with DevSecOps and enhance collaboration between development and security teams.

Why ASPM is the Future of AppSec

ASPM (Application Security Posture Management) is the future of application security. It provides a centralized dashboard that gives security teams visibility into application assets and their relationships. ASPM also prioritizes risk based on context so you can focus on the vulnerabilities that matter most. This video will explore the challenges facing security teams today and how ASPM can help you overcome them.