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From Legacy Systems to IoT: Protecting Critical Infrastructure Against Evolving Threats

The explosive growth in connectivity and the geopolitical environment is putting critical infrastructure around the world at risk. Connecting legacy industrial control systems (ICS) and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems that critical infrastructure runs on to IT environments, Internet of Things (IoT) devices, and out to the Internet makes it easier for cybercriminals and state-sponsored groups to gain access to systems and conduct malicious activities.

Emerging IoT Wiper Malware: Kaden and New LOLFME Botnet Variants

Wipers are malware that delete data on a device or make it inaccessible. They can be used for sabotage, to destroy evidence of an attack or simply to make a device unusable. IoT wipers often rewrite important parts of the firmware of an IoT device, rendering that device useless, so they are also known as “brickers”. Recent notorious examples of IoT wipers are AcidRain which was used by a Russian APT to brick satellite modems in Europe at the outset of the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022.

Navigating the Ethical Road: Recommendations for Connected and Automated Vehicles

Paul Lockley – VP Sales, EMEA In the ever-evolving landscape of transportation, the emergence of Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAVs) presents a promising shift towards safer, greener, and more accessible mobility solutions. However, as we embark on this transformative journey, it’s imperative to address the ethical considerations inherent in the development and deployment of CAVs.

Learn about the top five types of cyber security

In today's digitally-driven world, safeguarding sensitive information is more crucial than ever. As cyber threats become increasingly sophisticated, understanding the different facets of cybersecurity is essential for individuals and organizations alike. In this blog, we'll delve into the top five types of cybersecurity measures that form the backbone of a robust defense strategy. From network security to cloud security, each type plays a pivotal role in protecting data, ensuring privacy, and maintaining the integrity of systems against malicious attacks.

How IoT-Based Server Room Monitoring Systems Work?

The IoT has been providing advanced connectivity and automation in many diverse industries. One key use of this technology is monitoring server rooms. Server rooms accommodate very essential IT infrastructures; therefore, continuous monitoring is required for optimal performance and to avoid potential disruptions.

Winner of the 2024 IoT HealthTech Innovation Award

IoThinkTank is proud to announce Device Authority as the 2024 IoT HealthTech Innovation Award winner for their groundbreaking KeyScaler-as-a-Service (KSaaS) solution. This accolade recognizes exceptional advancements in IoT technologies that significantly improve patient care and data security in the HealthTech sector.

Exploring the Latest Trends in IoT Security

As our world becomes more connected, keeping up with the latest trends in IoT security is a must for businesses aiming to boost efficiency, enhance customer experiences, and stay ahead of the competition. Let’s dive into the key trends shaping the IoT landscape today and how we are working to make it more secure, from advancements in AI to post-quantum cryptography and cyber resilience.

IoT Security Regulations: A Compliance Checklist - Part 1

The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the global network of physical devices connected to the internet, capable of collecting and sharing data. IoT devices range from everyday household items to sophisticated industrial tools. By integrating sensors and communication hardware, IoT bridges the gap between the physical and digital worlds, enabling environments where smart devices operate interconnectedly and autonomously.

Top 5 Most Commonly Used IoT Protocols and Their Security Issues

What happens when devices meant to make your life easier become tools for intrusion? Your smart TV could become a surveillance device, your fitness tracker could leak your health data, and your connected car could be remotely hijacked. In the world of IoT vulnerabilities, the technology designed to serve you could turn against you. The Internet of Things promises convenience and connectivity. The risks of cyberattacks targeting these devices are growing exponentially.