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Geek Squad Scam 2024: What Is It and How to Prevent It

One of the recent email scams of the past few months is the Geek Squad scam. Similar to other phishing scams, this scam involves cybercriminals impersonating Geek Squad - a trusted tech support team from the American company Best Buy. As we learn more about the Geek Squad scam, including what it is and how to spot and prevent it, you will be able to protect yourself from it and learn techniques to defend yourself against present and future scams.

Is Your Bank Really Calling? How to Protect Yourself from Financial Impersonation Fraud

Protecting your financial information has never been more crucial. With the rise of sophisticated scams, it's becoming increasingly difficult to distinguish between legitimate bank communications and fraudulent attempts to access your accounts. So, how can you be sure it's really your bank contacting you? The Vulnerability of Personal Information First, it's important to understand that our personal details are more accessible than we might think.

UPS Text Scam Examples

Some examples of UPS text scams include confirming details about a fake delivery, fake package delivery notifications, fake package delivery fee requests, fraudulent suspicious activity on your UPS account or an error with a delivery. According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), in 2023, over $650 million was lost to imposter scams, including UPS text scams. Keep reading to find out what different UPS text scams look like and how you can stay protected against this kind of scam.

The Role of PCBs in Cybersecurity

As fraudsters are continuously finding new ways to strike, we’re continuously finding new ways to prevent them with controls such as encryption, multi-factor authentication, fraud detection software, etc. But not everyone is aware that it all begins with how electronic devices are designed. With the way Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) are laid out and built, to be precise. This assembly is far more important for cybersecurity than you might think.

The Importance of Know Your Business (KYB) in the Fintech World

In the dynamic and rapidly evolving fintech industry, regulatory compliance and risk management are crucial for maintaining trust and ensuring sustainability. One critical component of this regulatory framework is the Know Your Business (KYB) process. KYB involves verifying the legitimacy and credentials of business clients and partners, ensuring they are who they claim to be, and assessing their potential risks. In the fintech world, KYB is essential for mitigating fraud, ensuring compliance with regulations, and fostering a trustworthy ecosystem.

How to Spot and Avoid Grandparent Scams

Grandparent scams happen when a cybercriminal impersonates a victim’s family member, such as a grandchild, to convince them that there is an emergency. Despite the name of this scam, the victim doesn’t always have to be a grandparent or grandchild. The primary goal of these scams is to extort money from a victim by pretending that their loved one is in danger.

5 Tips for Spotting and Avoiding Pig Butchering Scams

Pig butchering scams came onto the scene a few years ago and have been gaining momentum ever since. A unique take on an old classic, pig butchering is a typical investment scam with a romantic or relationship-based twist. The large sums of "invested" money are typically funneled into fake crypto apps where they are promptly lost.