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Digital Identity

The Essential Guide to Why PEP Screening Matters

The fight against money laundering and terrorist financing requires a united front, with financial institutions and large corporations playing a critical role. One key weapon in this arsenal? Politically Exposed Persons (PEP) screening. PEP screening identifies individuals with prominent public positions or close ties to them, who may be exposed to a higher risk of bribery, corruption, and other financial crimes due to their influence.

Defense-in-Depth for Secrets Management: Discovery, Visibility, Leak Detection and AI

In the past, many security teams considered securing secrets enough – if your secrets were secured, you were good. While you’re still kind-of-good staying on this course, security professionals increasingly recognize that just securing secrets is not enough – organizations require a more sophisticated solution to help protect themselves in today’s increasingly sophisticated threat landscape.

The Knight in Shining Armor: Identity Security in Manufacturing Cybersecurity

In the throes of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the manufacturing sector stands at the crossroads of groundbreaking innovation and an ever-growing shadow of cyberthreats. IT modernization has created digital fortresses by transforming legacy manufacturing systems and operations into connected, smart factories – the demand for robust cybersecurity measures has never been more critical.

EP 50 - Adversarial AI's Advance

In the 50th episode of the Trust Issues podcast, host David Puner interviews Justin Hutchens, an innovation principal at Trace3 and co-host of the Cyber Cognition podcast (along with CyberArk’s resident Technical Evangelist, White Hat Hacker and Transhuman Len Noe). They discuss the emergence and potential misuse of generative AI, especially natural language processing, for social engineering and adversarial hacking.

Simplifying Identity Management: The Power of Identity Federation

Managing identities across multiple applications has become increasingly complex for businesses of all sizes. This complexity intensifies as organizations expand, underscoring the critical need for efficient identity management solutions. BoxyHQ's Identity Federation Proxy rises to this challenge by offering a robust solution that streamlines user identity management across all customer-facing applications, irrespective of their diverse configurations or Identity Provider (IdP) protocols.

The Growing Challenge of Fraud in Neobanking: Strategies for Protection (2024 Guide)

Neobanks, which operate exclusively online without traditional physical branch networks, are facing an increasingly challenging landscape due to a significant rise in fraud cases. In recent years, financial institutions have reported a marked increase in fraudulent activities, with the average cost of fraud for institutions with assets over $5 billion rising by 65% from $2.3 million in 2022 to $3.8 million in 2023.

Understanding APIs and How Attackers Abuse Them to Steal Data

Simply put, APIs (short for application programming interface) are how machines, cloud workloads, automation and other non-human entities communicate with one another. They also represent an access point to highly sensitive company data and services. Almost every organization uses these machine interfaces, and their usage is only growing because they are essential to digital transformation and automation initiatives.