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Digital Identity

How to check if a company is legitimate: a step-by-step guide

Find out which verification methods to use — and how a KYB tool can streamline the process. Joshua Rodriguez is a product marketing manager at Persona focused on our Graph product and financial institution and public sector verticals. You'll find him around the Bay Area exploring museums with his wife and young daughter. Joshua Rodriguez is a product marketing manager at Persona focused on our Graph product and financial institution and public sector verticals.

Decentralized Identity 101: How It Works with Government and Private Wallets

Whether it’s logging into social media, making an online purchase, or accessing government services, digital IDs are a popular way to verify a person online across various apps and platforms. However, the challenge arises when you need to manage and secure all your digital IDs, like email addresses, credentials, and personal information. Well, the way digital identities are managed today often involves a centralized system like social media apps and platforms, which can leave individuals vulnerable.
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Building a Modern Identity Capability to Tackle DORA

Hackers are quickly taking advantage of every vulnerability in an organisation's armoury, particularly exploiting poorly managed identities. An organisation might have the strongest firewalls, encryption, anti-malware, vulnerability scanners, and risk management tools in the world, but if identities are not managed securely, this still leaves one critical gap in its cybersecurity arsenal.

How New CyberArk and Wiz Integrations Enhance Multi-Cloud Security

The adoption of cloud technology has transformed how organizations develop, deploy and oversee internal and customer-facing applications. Cloud workloads and services create efficiencies and introduce new access challenges. Multi-cloud environments—where organizations utilize services from multiple cloud solution providers (CSPs) like AWS, Google Cloud and Azure—offer exceptional flexibility and resilience but also present significant security challenges.

How to Secure Your Digital Identity?

As everything is moving online these days, from shopping to healthcare, the need for stronger, more secure authentication methods has become important. This is especially true at a time when cases of identity theft have skyrocketed globally. Recent reports have shown that identity theft cases resulted in a whopping $23 billion in losses in 2023 alone. This indicates that both businesses and consumers are feeling the heat.

Why Identity Security is Your Best Companion for Uncharted Compliance Challenges

In today’s rapidly evolving global regulatory landscape, new technologies, environments and threats are heightening cybersecurity and data privacy concerns. In the last year, governing bodies have taken significant steps to enact stricter compliance measures—and more than ever, they are focusing on identity-related threats. Some notable changes include: Zero Trust is a common thread in many recent regulatory changes.

Workforce security redefined: Persona and Okta partner to verify identities and protect against phishing and deepfakes

Enforce identity verification throughout the employee life cycle using Persona and Okta’s out-of-the-box integration for identity verification. Joshua Rodriguez is a product marketing manager at Persona focused on our Graph product and financial institution and public sector verticals. You'll find him around the Bay Area exploring museums with his wife and young daughter.