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Digital Identity

Introducing Document AI, Persona's AI-powered suite of features for document processing

Accelerate decision-making with AI-powered document processing. Lynn Chou is a product marketer focused on Persona's startups and healthcare customers. She loves afternoon tea, pilates, and taking her cat on walks. Lynn Chou is a product marketer focused on Persona's startups and healthcare customers. She loves afternoon tea, pilates, and taking her cat on walks.

Thick Client Single Sign-On (SSO)

Are you tired of remembering passwords for all your thick client apps, or are you leaving your passwords at vulnerable places and entering them manually every time? Try miniOrange Thick Client Single Sign-on for seamless and secure access. Log in once to miniOrange dashboard and install our desktop software to access all your standalone thick client applications running, boosting your productivity and security.

Discovering Hidden Vulnerabilities in Portainer with CodeQL

Recently, we researched a project on Portainer, the go-to open-source tool for managing Kubernetes and Docker environments. With more than 30K stars on GitHub, Portainer gives you a user-friendly web interface to deploy and monitor containerized applications easily. Since Portainer is an open-source, we thought CodeQL, an advanced code analysis tool, be a good fit to check its codebase for any security issues.

Building Trust in Digital Retail: How Identity Security Protects E-Commerce

As retailers prepare for a season of high-demand online shopping, the risks of cyberthreats continue to grow, much like the need for increased security in a bustling mall on busy shopping days. In today’s retail landscape, identity security serves as the “mall security team” of the digital world—working behind the scenes to protect customer trust and to help ensure seamless, secure shopping experiences.

Identity is the Perimeter of the Cloud

93% of last year’s data breaches began with compromised credentials. Before the cloud, security perimeters were defined by physical walls and network boundaries, but in the cloud, that perimeter has all but dissolved. Consider what happened in November 2023, when a cloud observability vendor found evidence of unauthorized access to its staging environment — an environment that housed customer data and PII.

Cybersecurity Expert Gaurav Sood Addresses Digital Arrest Scams on CNBC Awaaz | miniOrange

@NarendraModi Calls for Vigilance and Warns of “Digital Arrest” Scams in Digital arrest' frauds have reached alarming levels in India, with losses exceeding ₹120 crore to scammers posing as law enforcement. These fraudsters prey on victims by threatening arrest and demanding large sums as bail or clearance fees. Recent cases reveal that 46% of these attackers operate from Southeast Asia, deceiving individuals with claims of illegal goods or fake documents in their names.

What is Watchlist Screening? A Complete Guide

A guide to using watchlists to keep your business safe. Shana is a product marketing manager focused on the Persona platform and marketplaces. You can usually find her running around San Francisco with a coffee in hand. Shana is a product marketing manager focused on the Persona platform and marketplaces. You can usually find her running around San Francisco with a coffee in hand.