Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Meet the Research behind our Threat Research Team

The Sysdig Threat Research Team (TRT) is on a mission to help secure innovation at cloud speeds. A group of some of the industry’s most elite threat researchers, the Sysdig TRT discovers and educates on the latest cloud-native security threats, vulnerabilities, and attack patterns. We are fiercely passionate about security and committed to the cause. Stay up to date here on the latest insights, trends to monitor, and crucial best practices for securing your cloud-native environments.

Enhancing Kubernetes network security with microsegmentation: A strategic approach

Microsegmentation represents a transformative approach to enhancing network security within Kubernetes environments. This technique divides networks into smaller, isolated segments, allowing for granular control over traffic flow and significantly bolstering security posture. At its core, microsegmentation leverages Kubernetes network policies to isolate workloads, applications, namespaces, and entire clusters, tailoring security measures to specific organizational needs and compliance requirements.

Going Backstage with OPA

The huge ecosystem of integrations has over time become a true differentiator for Open Policy Agent (OPA), and an embodiment of the project’s promise to provide policy across the “whole cloud native stack”. Integrating OPA into a new tech stack also tends to be a rewarding experience for developers, which might help explain why so many integrations have been provided by external contributors over the years.

Cloud Security Regulations in Financial Services

As the financial sector continues to adopt cloud technology, regulatory frameworks such as the updated NIS2 Directive and the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) are shaping the cybersecurity landscape. Every second counts in such a complex environment: attackers can move quickly in the cloud, so defenders must change their strategies and tools to keep up. The financial sector has always been a prime target for cyber attacks, with the average breach costing almost 6 million US dollars.

Active Cloud Risk: Why Static Checks Are Not Enough

How would you feel about your home security system if it only checked to see if your doors and windows were locked periodically? This security system would provide great visualizations of your house and how a criminal could get from one room to another, ultimately reaching one of your prized possessions, like a safe. However, it doesn’t have cameras on your doorbell or windows to alert you in real time when someone suspicious was approaching, or worse, trying to break into your house.