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How Cyber Threats Impact Route Optimization

In 2024, cyber threats cast a shadow over how we navigate roads. Imagine hackers hijacking smart vehicles or manipulating traffic grids to cause chaos. You might wonder how route optimization software keeps you safe and efficient amidst these risks. Here's where enterprise solutions shine. They fortify GPS technology against potential intrusions. But there's more than just defense; they enhance your fleet's performance too.

Attackers Using HTTP Response Headers to Redirect Victims to Phishing Pages

Researchers at Palo Alto Networks’ Unit 42 warn that attackers are using refresh entries in HTTP response headers to automatically redirect users to phishing pages without user interaction. “Unit 42 researchers observed many large-scale phishing campaigns in 2024 that used a refresh entry in the HTTP response header,” the researchers write. “From May-July we detected around 2,000 malicious URLs daily that were associated with campaigns of this type.

Fundamentals of GraphQL-specific attacks

Developers are constantly exploring new technologies that can improve the performance, flexibility, and usability of applications. GraphQL is one such technology that has gained significant attention for its ability to fetch data efficiently. Unlike the traditional REST API, which requires multiple round trips to the server to gather various pieces of data, GraphQL allows developers to retrieve all the needed data in a single request.

The Most Recent Credential Stuffing Attacks on Companies in 2024

So far in 2024, many major companies have fallen victim to credential stuffing attacks. Some of these notable credential stuffing victims include Roku, Okta, General Motors and Levi’s. Credential stuffing attacks occur when a cybercriminal uses stolen login credentials to attempt to log in to multiple accounts simultaneously. Since many people reuse their passwords, cybercriminals can use stolen credentials to sign in to many accounts, compromising employee, customer and organizational data.

Defending Against Attacks on Data with Rubrik and the CrowdStrike Falcon Platform

In today's digital landscape, cyber attacks are an ever-present threat, and they all ultimately target one thing: data. For most organizations, the challenge lies not only in protecting this data but also in understanding the full scope of what they have. Many organizations struggle to identify how much sensitive data they possess, where it resides, and who has access to it.

Phishing Attack Takes a Two-Step Approach to Leverage Legitimate Sites and Evade Detection

Analysis of a new phishing attack demonstrates how attackers may take a longer path to reach their malicious goals while staying “under the radar” of security products. It would be pretty simple to create a phishing attack that sends its’ victims a brand-impersonated email with a link that takes you to an impersonated webpage that asks for credentials, personal details or credit card information. But many of today’s security products will detect the impersonation immediately.

Are Cyber Attacks Increasing?

Yes, cyber attacks including phishing, malware and ransomware attacks, continue to increase in 2024. According to Keeper Security’s recent study, 92% of IT leaders say cyber attacks are occurring more frequently today than in 2023. Continue reading to learn which types of cyber attacks have increased in 2024, emerging cyber threats and how to protect your organization from cyber attacks.

Anatomy of a Centralized Exchanges Attack

Recently, there have been a number of attacks on high-profile centralized exchanges (CEXs) in the digital asset space. We feel it is critical to highlight some of the most common attack vectors in this area so that, in the future, CEXs can adequately protect themselves, their institutional trading partners, and their retail customers.