
Tel Aviv, Israel
  |  By Eyal Katz
Modern cybercriminals aren’t just after your average employee. They’re targeting DevOps engineers – the gatekeepers of critical infrastructure and valuable data. 90% of data breaches start with phishing. Traditional awareness training often needs more technical depth. These programs tend to focus on generic red flags (e.g., suspicious links and requests for sensitive information) that are easily recognized by most.
  |  By Eyal Katz
Security teams are drowning in alerts and manual tasks, and the weight of human error hangs heavy. Repetitive tasks lead to fatigue, where overlooked details can have devastating consequences. In a high-stakes environment where misconfigurations, accidentally exposed secrets, and delayed responses spell disaster, security teams desperately need tools to reduce the risk and pressure.
  |  By Eyal Katz
Sensitive customer information leaked, operations disrupted, and reputation tarnished – this is not the headline you want splashed across the internet. There’s a 76% spike in data theft victims and a 75% increase in cloud intrusions. Vulnerabilities are lurking within every organization’s digital infrastructure – but how do you stay ahead of security threats? The answer is simple – proactive security testing.
  |  By Eyal Katz
Trust is fragile in software, especially in the fast-paced complexity of cloud environments. Code signing reinforces that trust by digitally proving your software’s authenticity and integrity. Breaches like the UnitedHealth Group incident remind us why this matters—compromised code has real-world consequences. The breach potentially exposed the sensitive health data of millions of Americans.
  |  By Eyal Katz
What happens when devices meant to make your life easier become tools for intrusion? Your smart TV could become a surveillance device, your fitness tracker could leak your health data, and your connected car could be remotely hijacked. In the world of IoT vulnerabilities, the technology designed to serve you could turn against you. The Internet of Things promises convenience and connectivity. The risks of cyberattacks targeting these devices are growing exponentially.
  |  By Eyal Katz
Sensitive data, like customer information and internal processes, often lurks hidden in employee devices or in unmanaged spreadsheets. This “shadow data” poses a security risk because it’s difficult for IT teams to monitor and protect. Without visibility into this hidden data, organizations can’t effectively enforce security policies, putting them at risk of data breaches. Mishandling sensitive data can have severe consequences.
  |  By Eyal Katz
A buggy rollout or, even worse, a security breach can lead to user frustration, lost trust, and damaged reputation. To keep users happy and your brand protected, you need a robust deployment strategy that balances seamless updates with ironclad security. 32% of customers abandon a brand they love after just one negative interaction. For software teams, this means that every update is a high-stakes moment. Can we ensure both a positive user experience and robust protection during every rollout?
  |  By Eyal Katz
Severless is excellent, right? Faster development and less infrastructure hassle – but those AWS Lambda costs can sneak up on you. Over 70% of AWS customers are using serverless now. Seems like everyone’s jumping on the serverless bandwagon – and for good reason. It speeds up development and cuts down on the nitty-gritty infrastructure stuff. All this is a developer’s dream in a lot of ways.
  |  By Eyal Katz
You know that sinking feeling after you hit “commit”? That moment when you suddenly wonder, “Wait, did I just accidentally expose an API key or hardcode a password?” We’ve all been there, and the risks are no joke. But here’s the good news—there’s a way to ditch that anxiety for good. In 2023, GitHub’s automated scanning blocked over 12.8 million leaked secrets. Code leaks are every developer’s worst nightmare.
  |  By Eyal Katz
Your organization’s data and applications are scattered across multiple cloud platforms and on-premise systems. How do you guarantee security in this sprawling digital landscape? Cloud sprawl is a reality — 76% of organizations grapple with this challenge when they turn to multi-cloud strategies. The rapid adoption also creates complexity and cracks in traditional perimeter-based security. Your attack surface multiplies with users, devices, and data scattered across environments.
  |  By Spectral
For developers, secret and credential leakage is a problem as old as public-facing repositories. Unfortunately, in 2021 it is officially a significant risk. One that is easy to ignore until it is too late. In a rush to deliver, developers will often hard-code credentials in code or neglect to review code for exposed secrets. The results can be embarrassing, at best - but devastatingly costly in other cases.
  |  By Spectral
The cloud has come a long way from Eric Schmidt's "modern" coining of the phrase in 2006. Today, companies and institutions are reliant upon a cloud infrastructure to run their day-to-day operations. This reliance and growth have also transformed the threat landscape and your cybersecurity requirements along with it. Though cloud service providers are working ceaselessly to shore up vulnerabilities and bolster defenses, the responsibility for your cloud assets does not solely lie with them. Estimates predict that by 2025, 99% of cloud failures will be caused by the customer.
  |  By Spectral
Consuming secrets is a cornerstone for connectivity between applications and infrastructure. Whether it be cloud identity-based secrets such as IAM role keys from AWS, or FTP accessibility credentials - secrets such as these are often discovered by malicious users. The common culprit is usually in a public space such as public repositories on GitHub. While it's easy to think "that will never happen to us", it only takes one misplaced key pushed to the wrong repository for your entire infrastructure, application, and databases to be compromised and exposed.
  |  By Spectral
Imagine you are in charge of maintaining data for some of the most secretive government offices and powerful business entities globally. You have a significant investment in your security apparatuses protecting that knowledge. For years you haven't had a single blip or incident to cause any suspicion. Then the unthinkable happens, and from a single weak point, your entire network is compromised by malicious code hidden in an innocuous update.

Monitor, classify, and protect your code, assets, and infrastructure for exposed API keys, tokens, credentials, and high-risk security misconfigurations in a simple way, without noise.

Leverage SpectralOps’ advanced AI backed technology with over 2000 detectors to discover and classify your data silos and uncover data breaches before they happen. Get real-time slack alerts, workflow with JIRA tickets or your choice of notification on data breaches in real time and empower your teams to take immediate action.

Security for all stacks and assets:

  • Supercharge your CI/CD: Automate the processes of secret protection at build time. Monitor and detect API keys, tokens, credentials, security misconfiguration and other threats in real time.
  • Eliminate public blindspots: Continuously uncover and monitor public blindspots, supply chain gaps, and proprietary code assets across multiple data sources in a single dev-friendly platform.
  • Apply & enforce your policies: Seamlessly integrate your own playbooks, build your own detectors, and implement mitigation policies throughout your software development lifecycle.

Achieve data loss prevention in real time.