Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

April 2024

7 Steps to ensure compliance with the CJIS security policy

A high-profile case hangs in the balance. Suddenly, court systems are paralyzed. Evidence is locked away, replaced by a ransom demand. Every law enforcement agency’s nightmare is alarmingly common – 96% of organizations were hit by ransomware in the past year, according to Cisco’s 2023 report. Exposed API keys, forgotten cloud configurations, outdated systems – these seemingly small vulnerabilities are the entry points relentless cybercriminals exploit.

What does IAM PassRole do and How to Set it Up

95% of cloud security fails are due to internal slip-ups. One wrong password, one sloppy permission, and your sensitive data are out in the open. Thankfully, AWS gives you tools to fight back. IAM lets you control who does what, down to the finest detail. And IAM PassRole? It prevents sneaky permission grabs that put your data at risk.

What is SSPM and do you need it in your stack?

SaaS adoption has skyrocketed, offering organizations undeniable advantages. But beneath the surface lurk overlooked configuration errors. Misconfigured SaaS settings create security gaps. Broad permissions, weak defaults, and forgotten accounts jeopardize your security. These issues act as open doors for breaches and unauthorized access. The sheer scale of the problem is staggering – 70% of company software now resides in the cloud.