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Fundamentals of GraphQL-specific attacks

Developers are constantly exploring new technologies that can improve the performance, flexibility, and usability of applications. GraphQL is one such technology that has gained significant attention for its ability to fetch data efficiently. Unlike the traditional REST API, which requires multiple round trips to the server to gather various pieces of data, GraphQL allows developers to retrieve all the needed data in a single request.

Protecting APIs of Modern Applications

Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) have become the backbone of modern applications. They enable seamless interaction between different software systems, allowing businesses to innovate rapidly. With the proliferation of APIs comes an increased risk of security vulnerabilities. Ensuring API security is crucial to safeguarding sensitive data, maintaining user trust and protecting the integrity of applications.

Protecting APIs from abuse using sequence learning and variable order Markov chains

Consider the case of a malicious actor attempting to inject, scrape, harvest, or exfiltrate data via an API. Such malicious activities are often characterized by the particular order in which the actor initiates requests to API endpoints. Moreover, the malicious activity is often not readily detectable using volumetric techniques alone, because the actor may intentionally execute API requests slowly, in an attempt to thwart volumetric abuse protection.

Twilio Breach: 33M Phone Numbers Exposed #apiattacks #apisecurity #dataleaks #databreach #twilio

A major security breach at Twilio exposed 33 million phone numbers due to an unauthenticated API. Watch this video to understand the risks and learn essential API security practices to protect your organization from similar threats.

A CISO'S View on Building an API Security Program in 2024

Building a robust API and application security program is essential for security leaders across all industries. However, creating and maintaining an effective security strategy for your APIs and web applications requires: Identifying the right components to build a program that aligns with your business objectives.

How Wallarm API Security Platform Works: Key Features Explained #apisecurity #cybersecurity #api

Get an inside look at how the Wallarm API Security Platform operates to protect your APIs. Learn about its key features, including API Discovery, real-time protection, and traffic analysis, and how it helps you stay ahead of API threats.

Wallarm Innovation Update: Effective API Protection With GraphQL And API Policy Enforcement

With its exceptional ability to improve application flexibility, performance, and user experience, GraphQL is rapidly becoming one of the most widely adopted API protocols, with Gartner predicting that by 2025 it will be implemented by over 50% of enterprises. However, the same flexibility that makes GraphQL such an attractive protocol, however, also makes it susceptible to a variety of unique attacks.

A CISO's View on the State of API Security: Discussing the API ThreatStats Report, Q2 2024

API exploits represent one of the fastest growing threat vectors–a trend that will continue to accelerate as the increasingly AI-driven digital economy grows. Join veteran CISO and application security expert Mike Wilkes and Wallarm’s VP of Product, Tim Erlin, as they discuss the state of API security and where it is heading. Drawing upon their extensive industry experience as well as insights drawn from the Wallarm API ThreatStats Report Q2, 2024.