Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

July 2022

Top 12 Cloud Security Tools for 2022

A recent survey of nearly 2,000 IT professionals found that while most (85%) enterprises believe cloud technologies are critical to innovation, only 40% actually have a security policy in place. On top of this, almost half of the respondents using cloud infrastructure reported their engineers and developers circumvent or ignore cloud security and compliance policies, demonstrating the importance of automation and monitoring technology.

The Developer's Guide to IaC Scanning

IaC (infrastructure as code) is the latest tool to transform the face of IT infrastructure – in a nutshell, it means managing and provisioning infrastructure through code instead of manual processes. IaC provides developers with a blueprint that allows them to create tools and provision infrastructure on-demand while staying in control, increasing efficiency, and maintaining consistency when deploying updates and changes.

Top 5 NPM Vulnerability Scanners

The world of software development has been rocked by JavaScript. With nearly every modern web app making extensive use of JavaScript on the front end. And with JavaScript’s popularity also on the backend with Node.js, it’s hardly surprising that new vulnerabilities are emerging daily, given the sheer volume of open source project dependencies being used by JavaScript developers. The culprit? It all comes down to the free-ware NPM packages installed within Node.js.

Top 7 Data Leak Detection Solutions

Today’s threat actors often carry out cyber attacks with the primary objective of accessing and exfiltrating sensitive information from your IT environment. Efforts to obtain this “crown jewel” information usually involve complex multi-phase cyber attacks. But another way in which sensitive data ends up in the hands of malicious actors with a lot less effort is when an organization exposes sensitive data assets in a data leak incident.