Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

September 2023

Top 10 CI/CD Security Tools

On the one hand, your sales department is pushing for new features at an alarming rate, forcing you into faster deployment processes. On the other hand, you have the looming threat of millions of dollars in damages if your security is breached. Software development is all about finding the middle ground – if you can’t compromise on either side, what should you do?

What is the 'Zenbleed' Exploit and 7 Ways to Prevent it Now

In 2018, the discovery of the Meltdown and Spectre CPU vulnerabilities sent shockwaves through the tech industry. These hardware flaws allowed attackers to steal sensitive data like passwords and encryption keys from computers, smartphones, and cloud servers. Now, in 2023, history is unfortunately repeating itself. A new exploit called Zenbleed has emerged, taking advantage of similar speculative execution processes in AMD’s Zen architecture chips.

5 Types of Software Supply Chain Attacks Developers Should Know

What do ambulances in the UK, the Norwegian government, and a major Russian bank have in common? They were all victims of successful supply chain attacks in July 2023. Could you be next? It’s more likely than you think. Organizations entrust more sensitive data to vendors and third parties (like government agencies and critical infrastructure operators) than ever as part of their software development and operations.

Dockerfile WORKDIR: How to Get Started and Advanced Usage

Welcome to the world of Docker containers, where the power of isolation and portability meets streamlined application development. Whether you’re an experienced Docker user or just starting your containerization journey, effectively understanding and utilizing WORKDIR can significantly enhance your development workflow. 61% of respondents to a recent Statista survey said they use Kubernetes, putting Docker and Kubernetes among the most in-demand skills by software firms globally.