Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

August 2022

Top 4 Access-Control-Allow Methods

If you’re an IT manager or business owner, chances are external security is always top of your mind. But lately, managing access control of documents for employees has become just as necessary to limit access to information and information processing systems. While cybersecurity breaches are a menacing threat, internal security problems can be equally devastating, making access control measures necessary to mitigate the risk of access without authorization.

3 Configurations to Improve Slack Monitoring

With over 200% YoY Growth and used by 100,000+ Organizations globally, Slack has become an indispensable internal communication tool for teams to coordinate their activities. But when it comes to exchanging information and external sources, certain risks are at play that requires more insight and attention. Slack links to various vital systems within many organizations, making it an easy, central access point hackers can use to reach multiple systems.

Top 10 Software Deployment Tools for 2022

Approaching any finish line in life can be exciting yet stressful. This holds especially true in software deployment. The deployment phase is the final phase of the software development life cycle (SDLC) which puts the software into production. After a project team completes their planning, designing, and testing of a software product, the product is ready to go live.

The Developer's Guide to a Seamless Kubernetes Deployment

To grasp the concept of a Kubernetes Deployment and Kubernetes Deployment strategy, let’s begin by explaining the two different meanings of the term “deployment” in a Kubernetes environment: Kubernetes Deployment allows you to make declarative updates for pods and ReplicaSets. You can define a desired state and the Deployment Controller will continuously deploy new pod instances to change the current state to the desired state at a controlled rate.