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October 2023

The Essential Cheatsheet to Troubleshooting ImagePullBackOff with Examples

Imagine you have a perfectly working Kubernetes cluster, and when everything seems on course, you get an “ImagePullBackOff” error. Although this is a popular issue in Kubernetes, understanding and troubleshooting the root cause can be a real headache. Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration platform originally developed by Google.

Top 10 Docker Vulnerability Scanners for 2023

Docker has revolutionized how developers work by offering a powerful platform for creating, shipping, and running container applications. It helps developers conquer the complexity of application development and significantly increases software shipping frequency. Despite setbacks in recent years, Docker brings home $50 million in revenue every year, driven by the ongoing demand for new applications.

Medical Device Security Risk Assessment [Download XLS Template]

When you think about hacking stuff, you probably don’t consider thermometers and pacemakers. But imagine the implications if that chunk of metal inside your body suddenly starts acting weird. From the humble thermometer to the sophisticated MRI machine, these gadgets are vital cogs in the healthcare machine and potential Trojan horses if not correctly secured.