Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

November 2022

The Developer's Checklist to Security Hardening [XLS Download]

The coming of the internet was a beautiful thing, bringing about accessibility to reach everyone across the globe. But this reach is a double-edged sword. If everyone is just a click away, so are bad actors who can reach back to attack the organization at its weakest spot, trying to access information that it strives very hard to protect.

What is OS Hardening and How Can Developers Implement it

As cyber threats become increasingly advanced and complex, organizations are forced to adopt a military attitude of ‘war footing’ to secure their systems and servers. Although the use of new technologies has increased to manage complex workloads and operations, the vulnerability of data stored on devices continues to be a worry. Accenture research revealed that cyberattacks have soared by a shocking 125% yearly.

6 Steps for Success with CI/CD Security Hardening

Rapid digitalization and increasing remote business operations place a significant burden on developers, who are continuously pressured to push out software faster. As a result, CI/CD security risks being overlooked, although it is an essential part of modern software development practice. While it accelerates product releases, CI/CD is vulnerable to cybersecurity issues such as corrupted code, security misconfiguration, and mismanagement of secrets.