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June 2022

The 4 Types of NoSQL Databases You Need to Know

With the modern big data revolution, NoSQL databases have become widely popular. Their scalability and support of unstructured data is appealing to developers seeking solutions outside the traditional structures found in relational databases. And with cloud service providers such as Amazon and Azure introducing their own NoSQL database solutions to the market, it’s no wonder that this approach to database design has been growing in popularity.

10 Essentials for Big Data Security

In today’s data-driven world, skilled developers are much sought out for their ability to build applications that serve the Big Data needs of organizations. The sheer size, complexity, and diversity of Big Data requires specialized applications and dedicated hardware to process and analyze this information with the aim of uncovering useful business insights that would otherwise be unavailable.

The Developer's Guide to Serverless Security

Serverless computing brings a highly efficient way to deploy applications and run software on demand. Testament to that is the fact that serverless application adoption is increasing significantly over the years, with at least 1 in 5 organizations using FaaS (Function as a Service) in major Cloud providers such as Amazon, Azure & GCP.