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September 2023

Human Psychology on Immediate Threats | Bec McKeown

Bec McKeown explains how the brain prioritizes immediate threats by filtering out irrelevant information. She discusses how various situations, such as sudden realizations or encountering a ransomware attack, trigger physiological reactions like palpitations, sweating, and a sense of dread. Bec McKeown also mentions how during intense moments like a car accident, the brain's cognitive processes make time seem to slow down as it focuses solely on the threat, excluding all other details. This phenomenon is referred to as cognitive narrowing.

2023 OWASP Top-10 Series: API10:2023 Unsafe Consumption of APIs

Welcome to the 11th post in our weekly series on the new 2023 OWASP API Security Top-10 list, with a particular focus on security practitioners. This post will focus on API10:2023 Unsafe Consumption of APIs. In this series we are taking an in-depth look at each category – the details, the impact and what you can do about it.

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AI Remediation: A massive time-saver

One of the biggest challenges that application security engineers are facing is the large amount of false positives from security scanners. False positives are results that indicate a vulnerability where there is none, or where the risk is negligible. Triaging these false positives wastes a lot of time.

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Why Every Company Should Include Threat Intelligence in Their Cybersecurity Strategy

In the fast-evolving digital landscape, the prevalence of cyber threats has become a stark reality for businesses and individuals. While essential, conventional cybersecurity measures are often reactive and inadequate against sophisticated attacks. This is where Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) emerges as a proactive and complementary approach to cybersecurity. Utilising CTI helps organisations to protect their systems from potential hazards. It provides a way to cut through the noise and focus on threats relevant to that specific company and industry.

How Technology Can Enhance Security and Management in Prisons

In the United States, over 3,000 jails operate in relative obscurity, and they admit roughly 10.3 million individuals each year. It's a hidden population, often overlooked by the public eye. Yet, the impact of these annual jail admissions ripples through lives, families, and communities, causing profound harm and disruption. Amid this complex challenge, technology emerges as a promising force. It promises to transform the landscape of prison management and security, offering innovative solutions to age-old problems.

Vulnerability Assessment: A Guide

The complexity of technology is ever-increasing and the number of breaches (and the cost of dealing with them) is growing right along with it. Governments are cracking down and turning cybersecurity from nice to have to absolutely mandatory. In response, organizations across industries are taking a more serious look at their security posture and, with that, the need to perform thorough vulnerability assessments.

Weekly Cybersecurity Recap September 29

Data breaches are a huge challenge that modern organizations must deal with today. This week, we learned of several education-related breaches, as well as a few financial breaches. The National Student Clearinghouse and Lakeland Community College in Ohio were both hit with serious data breaches. There were also breaches with BMO Bank, the Brady Martz & Associates Accounting firm, and the Delta Dental of California health insurance provider.

Accounting Firm Brady Martz and Associates Suffers Huge Data Breach

Brady Martz & Associates is an accounting firm in Crookston, Minnesota. The company offers audits, business valuation, forensic accounts, employee benefit plans, and more. The company has more than 270 employees and generates over $63 million in assets annually. The organization maintains extensive data files for a large number of individuals, and those customers are at risk because the firm recently suffered from a data breach.

Fireblocks Adds Support for New Token Standards on the Tezos Blockchain

Fireblocks expands its support for Tezos blockchain, extending institutional access and support to the growing DeFi and Web3 ecosystem. Fireblocks users can securely custody FA1.2 and FA2 token standards on Tezos and leverage the Fireblocks’ Web3 Engine to build new products and services on the Tezos blockchain.

Fight, Flight, or Freeze | The Human Psychology of Security

Bec McKeown explains the intricate process of how this tiny brain structure, the amygdala, sends chemical signals down the spinal cord to the adrenal gland, resulting in the production of adrenaline. Explore the intriguing phenomenon of the freeze response and how it relates to the delicate balance between heightened adrenaline and reduced rationality. Learn about the evolutionary significance of this mechanism, which once helped our ancestors escape from saber-toothed tigers but now responds to various modern threats.