Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

July 2023

Automating least privilege access in the cloud

In today's digital landscape, where data breaches and security threats are a constant concern, ensuring least privilege access is of utmost importance for companies operating in the cloud. Granting the principle of least privilege to employees helps minimize the risk of unauthorized access, accidental misuse, and insider threats. However, achieving and maintaining least privilege access can be challenging, often resulting in manual processes, delays, and potential security gaps.

Getting Started with Persistent Volumes

This is the first of our series on Velero – the open source Kubernetes backup and recovery tool. While it’s powerful and flexible, the initial setup can be daunting to a beginner. Persistent Volumes also require CSI configuration, which varies from provider to provider. In this webinar, we will present all the information you need to get started with Velero. We will walk through the following configuration accompanied by a live demonstration.

The 443 Podcast - Episode 252 - Qakbot Qacktivity

This week on the podcast, we cover the latest evolutions of the decade-old Qakbot malware including changes in how attackers deliver it. After that, we give an update on the SEC's new rules around mandatory security disclosure. We then end by reviewing CISA's analysis of Risk and Vulnerability Assessments they completed for their constituents in 2022.

5 Most Common Types of Internal Accounting Controls

Accounting is a core function in every business. Organizations need accounting teams to track revenue and expenses, evaluate financial performance, create budgets and financial projections, and maintain compliance. Skilled accountants provide up-to-date financial information to support decision-making. Unfortunately, the word “accounting” is often followed by the word “scandal,” especially given examples such as Enron, WorldCom, Tyco, Hertz, Lehman Brothers, and Bernie Madoff.

The SEC's new cybersecurity disclosure rules - are you ready?

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) announced new regulations for public companies requiring them to disclose a “material cybersecurity incident” via formal report due four business days after a company determines that a cybersecurity incident is material. This is creating a lot of buzz, with companies worried if they will be prepared.

July Release Rollup: AI Document Summarization, Smart Cache and More

‍ This month's release rollup includes Egnyte's AI-driven document summarization, project dashboard for Android, and Smart Cache file download improvements. Below is an overview of these and other new releases. Visit the linked articles for more details.

Government Programs Exposed to Data Loss Because of Maximus Federal Services Breach

Maximus Federal Services is a significant government contractor that helps administrate many different US government programs. The company manages programs like local healthcare, student loan servicing, and many federal services. With more than 34,300 people employed by the company and a revenue that reaches more than $4.25 billion annually, the company manages a vast store of data that includes personal and health-related data for millions of Americans.

Amazon Sends Email to Customers on Common Scam Tactics

We've reported on several Amazon scams, but for once, there is positive news. Amazon sent an email Thursday morning highlighting the top scams your users should watch out for: Prime Membership Scams Per Amazon, "These are unexpected calls/texts/emails that refer to a costly membership fee or an issue with your membership and ask you to confirm or cancel the charge.

CISA Discovers Spear Phishing and Valid Account Compromise Are the Most Common Attack Vectors

The US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has found that compromise of valid accounts and spear phishing attacks were the two most common vectors of initial access in 2022, Decipher reports. Valid accounts were compromised in 54% of successful attacks. “Valid accounts can be former employee accounts that have not been removed from the active directory or default administrator accounts,” CISA said.

A Guide to Vendor Relationship Management

Vendor relationship management is a process focused on overseeing relationships with third-party vendors. Vendors can range from small independent contractors for one-time projects to multi-year business partners critical to an organization’s success. Companies rarely handle all their business in-house and independently.

Implementing TLS in Kubernetes

As cloud technology continues to evolve, the demand for Kubernetes is skyrocketing. As a result, security has become a top priority for developers looking to protect their application data. That's where Transport Layer Security (TLS) comes into play. TLS is essential for ensuring a secure connection between your applications and the internet. TLS leverages asymmetric and symmetric cryptographies to keep your data secure in transit and at rest.