Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

July 2023

Mobile Device Management: Securing the modern workplace

More mobile devices, more problems. The business landscape has shifted dramatically, as more endpoints connect to corporate networks from a wider variety of locations and are transmitting massive amounts of data. Economic forces and a lengthy pandemic have caused a decentralization of the workforce and increased adoption of a hybrid workplace model. Today, employees are more mobile than ever.

IP Tagging Rules For GitGuardian Honeytoken Events

Anyone managing your GitGuardian workspace can set up IP tagging rules for honeytokens. Now when someone inside your network triggers a honeytoken, through testing or for any other reason, you will be able to easily identify it as a probable false alarm and not a true code leak, or if it is from a completely unknown, new address that merits further investigation and action.

Making Zero Standing Privileges a Reality

The most significant change in the lifespan of identity security thus far is zero standing privileges (ZSP). Considered to be the next evolution of just-in-time (JIT) access, although it may seem needlessly complex at first, once you wrap your head around the concept, it feels as natural as turning off lights when you leave a room. But first, a bit about me and the journey to ZSP.

Identifying malicious Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) connections with Elastic Security

The new advanced detection analytics package to detect lateral movement Lateral movement is a dangerous threat in the landscape of highly integrated technologies. If attackers gain access to an endpoint, it’s critical for security teams to identify any and all movements they make. To combat this threat, Elastic Security is excited to announce a new lateral movement detection package that makes use of advanced analytics.

What Is Scareware?

Scareware is a type of social engineering cyberattack that uses psychological manipulation to trick victims into downloading malware disguised as antivirus software. Cybercriminals trick users with frightening, urgent messages in pop-ups or emails which claim their computer is infected. Continue reading to learn how scareware attacks work, how to avoid falling victim to them and how to remove scareware from your devices.

What is the VCDPA? Comprehensive Guide + Compliance Tips

The Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act (VCDPA) was the second comprehensive consumer privacy law passed in the United States. The act followed the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and took effect on January 1, 2023. Commercial organizations that conduct business in Virginia and process consumer data will be the most affected by the VCDPA. Learn how UpGuard’s comprehensive cybersecurity solution can help your business remain compliant>

8 Third-Party Risk Management Challenges + Solutions and Tips

An effective third-party risk management (TRPM) program allows organizations to assess potential vulnerabilities and mitigate security risks across their entire ecosystem of vendors and suppliers. If your organization is expanding its third-party ecosystem by relying on partnerships to execute core operations, creating an effective TPRM plan is critical to regulating data risks across your growing attack surface.

How secure is WebAssembly? 5 security concerns unique to WebAssembly

WebAssembly, sometimes called Wasm, is a portable, low-level binary code instruction format executed in a web browser’s virtual machine (VM). It enables developers to write high-performance code in various languages and runs alongside JavaScript. Developers are embracing WebAssembly for its ability to accelerate complex algorithms, enable gaming and multimedia applications, and provide a secure sandbox environment for running untrusted code.

Think Twice Before Embarking on Your CMMC 2.0 Compliance Journey Alone

Like a multitude of professions, the field of Information Technology (I.T.) is vast and requires specialized experience. There are network infrastructure specialists, risk and compliance analysts, cybersecurity professionals, technical generalists and more. I.T.

Cloudflare Radar's new BGP origin hijack detection system

Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) is the de facto inter-domain routing protocol used on the Internet. It enables networks and organizations to exchange reachability information for blocks of IP addresses (IP prefixes) among each other, thus allowing routers across the Internet to forward traffic to its destination. BGP was designed with the assumption that networks do not intentionally propagate falsified information, but unfortunately that’s not a valid assumption on today’s Internet.