
Mountain View, CA, USA
  |  By Nicholas Sollitto
In the early morning of July 19, a software update to CrowdStrike’s Falcon sensor started to cause one of the most extensive IT outages in history, affecting several industry sectors, including financial services, healthcare, transportation, and others. According to CrowdStrike, the outage stemmed from “a defect found in a Falcon content update for Windows hosts.” At this point, the software update has not affected Mac and Linux systems.
  |  By Leah Sadoian
Cybersecurity regulations often include audits that assess and strengthen an organization’s defenses against increasing cyber threats. In the United States, various cybersecurity regulations, including HIPAA, SOX, PCI DSS, and more, require audits. Each audit ensures your organization meets the required standards outlined in the regulation while also strengthening its overall cybersecurity framework.
  |  By Nicholas Sollitto
Over the last decade, cybersecurity has emerged as a critical concern for financial institutions. With cyberattacks increasing in frequency and sophistication, it has become imperative for institutions in the financial sector to safeguard sensitive data and implement robust data protection measures. The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, commonly known as the Dodd-Frank Act, plays a crucial role in regulating the American financial services industry.
  |  By Edward Kost
OpenSSH server is currently exposed to a dangerous vulnerability that, if exploited, could grant cybercriminals full system access without user interaction. This post provides an overview of CVE-2024-6387 and suggests remediation responses to mitigate its impact.
  |  By Leah Sadoian
India's National Cyber Security Policy 2013 is a comprehensive framework designed to fortify the nation's cyber infrastructure and safeguard its digital frontiers. The policy aims to address the complexities of cyber threats and enhance cyberspace's security and resilience through various key components and targeted strategies.
  |  By Leah Sadoian
In an era when digital transformation is reshaping economies and societies, the threat of cybercrime has become a significant concern. India, with its growing digital ecosystem, is particularly vulnerable to a wide range of cyber threats. In response to these challenges, the state of Maharashtra launched an ambitious initiative - the Maharashtra Cyber Security Project.
  |  By Kyle Chin
The SWIFT Customer Security Controls Framework (CSCF) is a key global cybersecurity framework that provides recommended and mandatory security controls for banking institutions that use the SWIFT banking system. The framework is designed to help financial institutions improve their cyber resilience and ensure that participants within the SWIFT network adhere to a stringent set of security compliance standards. Find out how UpGuard helps the financial services industry meet compliance standards >
  |  By Nicholas Sollitto
Modern business operations have become synonymous with outsourcing to vendors, as essentially every business relies on at least a few third-party partnerships to improve efficiency and enhance capabilities. However, these partnerships also present various cybersecurity risks that can negatively impact an organization’s performance, reputation, and compliance with industry regulations and standards. To mitigate these risks, organizations must develop a robust Vendor Risk Management (VRM) process.
  |  By Leah Sadoian
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is one of the world's most stringent data protection laws, designed to safeguard individuals' personal data in Europe. Since its implementation in May 2018, GDPR has significantly impacted how organizations collect, store, and process personal data. Noncompliance with GDPR can lead to severe penalties, including hefty fines and reputational damage, making it imperative for organizations to understand and adhere to its requirements.
  |  By Leah Sadoian
In today's world, where cyber threats are increasingly sophisticated, organizations must take strong security measures to protect sensitive data and maintain operational integrity. One effective way to show your dedication to cybersecurity is by obtaining Cyber Essentials certification. This government-backed scheme in the UK helps organizations implement essential security controls to defend against common online threats.
  |  By UpGuard
In today's interconnected financial landscape, businesses face increasing risks from third-party vendors, making effective cyber risk management essential. Significant data breach costs and stringent regulatory requirements place further burden on this sector. In response, UpGuard offers a Vendor Risk Management solution to help institutions manage these risks and maintain compliance. Learn more at upguard.com/fsi.
  |  By UpGuard
In this quarter's UpGuard Summit, we’re continuing our focus on scaling your Third-Party Risk Management (TPRM) program. Hear how you can eliminate manual work, harness automation and keep up to date with emerging threats. You’ll also learn how security leaders have evolved their TPRM function and the lessons they’ve learnt along the way.
  |  By UpGuard
In this quarter's UpGuard Summit, we’re continuing our focus on scaling your Third-Party Risk Management (TPRM) program. Hear how you can eliminate manual work, harness automation and keep up to date with emerging threats. You’ll also learn how security leaders have evolved their TPRM function and the lessons they’ve learnt along the way. Interested in finding out more about UpGuard?
  |  By UpGuard
Join our CISO, Phil Ross, and Head of Talent Acquisition, Ian Chaplin, as they discuss the evolution of the cybersecurity professional and share actionable insights on how to hire the right talent today.
  |  By UpGuard
Join UpGuard's Chief Product Officer, Dan Bradbury, as he shines a spotlight on all of the groundbreaking product releases from the last quarter and the exciting releases coming soon.
  |  By UpGuard
Join Jess Hooper, our Senior Product Manager, as she outlines how UpGuard is launching a suite of new features that together represent the next step in the evolution of trust management.
  |  By UpGuard
Join Aaron Spiteri, Our Director of Third-Party Risk Management Services, as he outlines how UpGuard is reimagining our vendor risk assessment service from the ground up.
  |  By UpGuard
Learn from Neil Cameron of Peoplecare, Shahn Harris of Air New Zealand, and Andrew Bullen of St John Ambulance Group as they share how they’ve scaled their TPRM program.
  |  By UpGuard
Check out the latest product releases from UpGuard!
  |  By UpGuard
Join UpGuard's Chief Product Officer, Dan Bradbury, as he shines a spotlight on all of the groundbreaking product releases from the last quarter and the exciting releases coming soon.
  |  By UpGuard
You understand the risks that third party vendors pose to your business, and you're ready to do something about it. What are the capabilities you need to understand your cyber risk, manage your vendors, and avoid data breaches?
  |  By UpGuard
Perhaps your organization is looking to make a transition from traditional IT operations and development practices to DevOps, or you're looking to realign your career path with DevOps to position yourself more favorably to future opportunities. Whatever your motivations are, this eBook will provide you with foundation knowledge for boosting your career with DevOps.
  |  By UpGuard
The fact that one has to "make a case" for Microsoft in the DevOps sphere puts them at a disadvantage, especially competing against major open source options with large community bases and proven performance. But, moving forward, one can expect the gap between Microsoft and other tools to close further, as they continue pressing their business in this direction.
  |  By UpGuard
Cybersecurity is officially dead. Worldwide spending on security-related hardware, software and services rose to $73.7 billion in 2016 from $68.2 billion a year earlier, according to researcher IDC. This number is expected to approach $90 billion in 2018.
  |  By UpGuard
ServiceNow® customers optimizing their IT service delivery and management processes require deeper context and detail level behind IT asset changes--information the leading help desk automation and incident reporting platform does not provide. In this report you'll learn how UpGuard fills this visibility and awareness gap, keeping ServiceNow® in line with the true state of your environment.
  |  By UpGuard
DevOps and ITIL should be compared with an eye towards the problem you're trying to solve, with a focus on the tangible benefits you and your team would see from using each.
  |  By UpGuard
Selecting a security provider is no easy feat-it includes months of designing a company's security strategy, evaluating different solutions, budgeting accordingly, and assuring stakeholders the investment will pay off by keeping their business safe.
  |  By UpGuard
With the enterprise so dependent on technology and digitized assets, how can it prevent data-related disasters from sinking the business? The answer is by taking a new approach to managing cyber risk as a function of business risk at large. McKinsey calls this "Digital Resilience", but it can simply be thought of as conducting business safely in today's connected environments.
  |  By UpGuard
Software engineering is changing and DevOps is at the heart of it. An organization's ability to be responsive to the business requires better collaboration, communication, and integration across IT.
  |  By UpGuard
There is no doubt that the DevOps movement has gone mainstream. When even IBM and HP are dedicating sites to it there is no longer any question. If we were to place it on the Gartner Hype Cycle even the most devoted proponents would have to admit that it's rapidly approaching the "Peak of Inflated Expectations".

A better, smarter way to protect your data and prevent breaches. Our products help security, risk and vendor management teams take control of cyber risk and move faster with confidence.

UpGuard gathers complete information across every digital surface, stores it in a single, searchable repository, and provides continuous validation and insightful visualizations so companies can make informed decisions.

UpGuard then aggregates this information into an industry standard cyber risk score called CSTAR. The CSTAR score is a single, easy-to-understand value representing an organization's aptitude in monitoring compliance, tracking unwanted change, and detecting vulnerabilities in their infrastructure.

Businesses depend on trust, but breaches and outages erode that trust. UpGuard is the world’s first cyber resilience platform, designed to proactively assess and manage the business risks posed by technology.