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July 2018

Procedures: Runbook Automation that Works

One of the challenges of building and running information technology systems is solving novel problems. That's where frameworks like scrum and agile come in– getting from the unknown to the known with a minimum of frustration and waste. Another challenge is performing known tasks correctly every single time. Here runbooks, checklists, and documentation are your friend.

Securing Data Storage With UpGuard

Despite spending billions on cybersecurity solutions, private industry, government and enterprises alike are faced with the continued challenge of preventing data breaches. The reason cybersecurity solutions have not mitigated this problem is that the overwhelming majority of data exposure incidents are due to misconfigurations, typically by way of third-party vendors, not cutting-edge cyber attacks.

Executive's Guide to Managing Cyber Risk

With the enterprise so dependent on technology and digitized assets, how can it prevent data-related disasters from sinking the business? The answer is by taking a new approach to managing cyber risk as a function of business risk at large. McKinsey calls this "Digital Resilience", but it can simply be thought of as conducting business safely in today's connected environments.