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July 2023

Five worthy reads: Cybersecurity in the age of AI - Battling sophisticated threats

Five worthy reads is a regular column on five noteworthy items we have discovered while researching trending and timeless topics. This week we are exploring the significant role of AI in the field of cybersecurity and why it’s the next biggest thing in cybersecurity.

CEO Fraud Scams and How to Deal With Them at the Email Gateway

Email scams known as "CEO Fraud" are very common right now. They are a type of "Business Email Compromise" (BEC). There have been numerous recent cases reported in the media, and we too, are seeing many reports by our customers. One customer described these attacks as 'rampant'. The US FBI recently put the estimate of losses in 2015 associated with BEC frauds in the hundreds of millions of dollars.

Cybercrime and Delicate Situations: Managing Expectations and Emotions in High-End Agreements

Join us in this eye-opening video that explores the intersection of cybercrime and delicate situations when managing high-end agreements. Discover the challenges of handling emotionally invested individuals who may have false expectations, and learn how to navigate these situations with tact and courtesy. Our insights will help you mitigate potential risks while fostering positive interactions in the ever-evolving world of cybercrime.

How to Quantify the ROI of your GRC & Security Programs

GRC programs are often viewed as cost centers. But, they can in fact be profit drivers by contributing to sales acceleration, cost and time savings, and risk reduction. The real question is, how can you prove that to the board? TrustCloud teamed up with ISSA to discuss.

Smarter Approaches to Software Validation in Life Sciences

Global regulations regarding software validation (e.g., 21 CFR Part 11, Annex 11, etc.) have been in place for many years. With an increasing number of software-as-a-service vendors offering GxP-compliant solutions, it is more important than ever that CSV and QA teams of all sizes make use of sensible approaches to software validation to better manage their overhead while maintaining compliance with regulatory requirements.

Weekly Cybersecurity Recap July 28

Near the end of July, the MOVEit data breaches that occurred back in May are still doing serious damage and hurting major companies. Three of the five breaches reported this week were due to MOVEit-related attacks, including Milliman Solutions, the National Student Clearinghouse, and 1st Source Bank. The other two companies that suffered from major data breaches this week are Microsoft and the Tramp General Hospital.

450k 1st Source Bank Customers Lost Personal Data in a Breach

1st Source Bank is a major financial institution located in Indiana and Michigan. The bank is headquartered in South Bend, Indiana, but there are 81 branches in the two states. Between these branches, there is a large number of employees and hundreds of thousands of customers. Many of those customers lost their personal data thanks to a recent breach.

Is Your Supply Chain Partner Your Biggest Security Blind Spot?

Supply chain security issues are not exactly new. High-profile attacks, like SolarWinds in 2020, were a big wake-up call for many people because they brought home just how far-reaching and destructive these attacks could be. The threat from supply chain partners remains one of the most significant risks to security beaches. The SANS 2023 Attack and Threat Report found that 40% of breaches in 2022 occurred through supply chain partners.

Integrate with your existing infrastructure

It often takes years to fully integrate the IT infrastructure after a merger and acquisition. During that time, you need to provide user access to private enterprise apps while aligning security policies across both organizations. The Lookout Cloud Security Platform allows you to quickly provide access to private enterprise apps by following a zero trust network access architecture.

Consolidate existing vendor solutions

For many organizations, the security topology leveraged multiple solutions, which were spliced together. By utilizing the Lookout Cloud Security Platform, you can define a set of security policies that get seamlessly applied to SaaS, private enterprise apps, mail, and web sites. This approach not only simplifies the security architecture but also helps seal gaps within the security framework.

Keeper Security Government Cloud: Trusted Protection for Texas Agencies With TX-RAMP Certification

Texas State agencies, educational organizations and municipalities face relentless cyberthreats from malicious actors. These attacks jeopardize sensitive information and disrupt essential services. TX-RAMP serves as a program that aids agencies in enhancing their overall cybersecurity posture. Selecting a TX-RAMP Certified solution for password and privileged access management will help organizations of all sizes defend against cyberthreats.