
Boston, MA, USA
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Data is among the most valuable assets for companies, making it a prime target for malicious actors. Ransomware attacks that seize data and demand a price for its return have become a significant concern for businesses and individuals. According to the Verizon 2024 Data Breach Investigations Report, about one-third of all breaches involved ransomware or another extortion technique. Here’s everything you need to know about ransomware and how to prevent a successful attack.
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The threat of phishing attacks looms larger than ever. The LA County Department of Public Health recently announced that 50 employees fell victim to phishing attacks, compromising sensitive patient data. These deceptive schemes have become a staple in the cyberthreat landscape, targeting individuals and businesses of all sizes. For every employee, understanding the signs and consequences of a phishing attack is crucial to safeguarding their organization.
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Devo recently brought together an esteemed panel of modern CISOs to discuss the issues that matter most to them and their peers. Included in the panel were: It was a lively discussion that covered important topics around the evolution of one of the top security executive roles. Here are five of the key takeaways that bubbled up from the hour-long CISO panel.
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Credential stuffing is shaping up to be one of the most predominant hacking methods of 2024. In early June, Ticketmaster fell victim to a data breach via credential stuffing, exposing information from 560 million customers. Credential stuffing attacks involve using stolen usernames and passwords to access accounts. In these attacks, threat actors also often use automation to try different combinations of credentials until they find a successful match.
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CISOs face more cybersecurity challenges today than ever. As technology gets more advanced, so do the bad guys. Cyberattacks are becoming more clever and dangerous. On top of that, there’s no shortage of rules, regulations, and personal risk that CISOs must navigate. We surveyed 200 CISOs to better understand the biggest challenges they face today. Here’s some of what we learned.
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Choosing the right software to defend your organization, both in real-time and in retrospect, is one of the most important decisions an organization can make. Security teams need to be able to view activity and affect access quickly, and that becomes more difficult at bigger, complex enterprises. A classical approach to this problem is role-based access control (RBAC), but for many organizations, multitenancy is a better fit.
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The stakes are higher than ever for CISOs. Just one breach can be catastrophic for an organization, and new rules and regulations add even more pressure. We surveyed 200 CISOs on the current landscape, and asked a handful of them for advice on how to overcome today’s challenges. Here are some of the key recommendations for CISOs who are navigating today’s cyber landscape.
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Register for the Webinar Large-scale cyber breaches continue to dominate headlines, amplifying the damaging ramifications of failing to secure your organization. Even with a substantial investment in your SOC, outcomes continue to fall short of promises. Breaches lead to massive data leaks, steep financial losses, and tarnished reputations, underscoring the urgent need for effective SIEM technology.
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When evaluating a SIEM, two key factors stand out: flexibility in data handling and open architecture. These two elements significantly enhance a platform’s efficiency and adaptability in managing cybersecurity threats. Whether you’re evaluating your current SIEM or looking for a more modern solution, here are five questions to ask to gauge its flexibility.
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Does your security team have dozens of tools to manage, all with disparate user experiences, data models, and capabilities? Unfortunately, this is the result of many traditional SIEM solutions that lack the ability to integrate all features. This creates a big challenge for your SOC because analysts have to ensure they’re using the right tool at the right time to detect attacks. But today, there’s a better option.
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Devo assembled a panel of CISOs for an engaging roundtable discussion on a variety of important topics for CISOs and other senior-level security professionals. CISOs everywhere are facing a growing number of threats, from automation and AI to budget constraints, and more. This panel of seasoned CISOs dives into the biggest challenges facing the position, and how they're overcoming those challenges in their own organizations.
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The 2024 Gartner Magic Quadrant for SIEM is here, jam-packed with 21 vendors. To add to the mix, recent mergers and acquisitions are stirring up the market. It’s no wonder security professionals are questioning their current SIEM’s future roadmap. But don’t worry—navigating this complex landscape doesn’t have to be overwhelming. We are here to help.
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Alerts are critical tools for maintaining system performance and data conditions. Monitor the health of your system with Devo, defining alerts and analyzing when they are triggered.
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ESG verified that the Devo Security Data Platform is well suited for meeting the challenges the security operations teams face today and will experience in the future.
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The Devo Security Data Platform can help teams exceed threat response rates, improve analyst performance by 5x, and offload manual work up to 60%.
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Devo’s unique architecture and open data model lets you collect, analyze and draw conclusions from data. You can use lookup tables to enrich this data by establishing complex relationships between any data in Devo.
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With the ever-increasing need for strong threat detection and management activities, more and more organizations are incorporating the MITRE ATT&CK framework into their incident investigation systems. Devo Exchange provides a plethora of MITRE content, and replicates the MITRE ATTA&K Matrix and its comprehensive list of tactics and techniques.
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To run a search, you must access the data table where the events you need to work with are stored. You can do this via the Data Search area of Devo, where you can refine your search as required, generate charts, and much more.
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The Field viewer becomes a pivotal tool that provides users with the statistical distribution of all data within a table while including interesting table interaction features.
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Reading, understanding, and tracking alerts and log sources within the context of the MITRE ATT&CK framework is now possible in Devo with the MITRE ATT&CK Adviser application.
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Data growth is running at close to seven exabytes per day; estimates are that in three to five years' time, growth will be closer to 15 to 25 exabytes per day. Yet many organizations fail to realize the business value of their data, lack the tools and processes to collect and analyze data more effectively, and do not understand how to calculate its return on investment (ROI) potential.
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The Devo architecture is designed to collect, analyze, and provide insight from more data faster, and to scale as data grows using a fraction of the resources required by other solutions. The Devo Data Operations Platform avoids the bottleneck of indexing data at ingestion without the penalty of slower query response.
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The Devo Data Operations Platform provides a machine data management and analytics platform that enables companies to extend operational insights beyond IT and into the digital business.
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This paper examines a problem many enterprises share: operationalizing increasing amounts of historical as well as real-time data, with a sustainable business model.
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Enterprises are dealing with a rapidly changing and growing IT environment that includes traditional systems and desktops as well as cloud resources and an ever-changing constellation of edge computing devices. Enterprises facing the difficult choice among "build your own," "buy solutions from their suppliers," or integrating open source projects would be well served by learning more about Devo.

Devo delivers real-time operational and business insights from analytics on streaming and historical data to operations, IT, security and business teams at the world’s largest organizations. The Devo Data Operations Platform collects, enhances and analyzes machine, business and operational data, at scale, from across the enterprise.

Devo is the leading Data Operations Platform for the digital enterprise. Devo delivers real-time business value from analytics on streaming and historical data to help Fortune 1000 enterprises drive sustained performance and growth.

Devo is a new approach to real-time operational analytics:

  • Free yourself from data management: The Devo approach to indexing and storage enables you to collect and analyze 100% of your machine data at 80% lower cost.
  • Massively parallelize everything: Devo parallelizes every step of the data pipeline, so you can analyze 1M EPS while ingesting 150K EPS, all on a single core - with no compromises.
  • Data & insights at everyone's fingertips: Devo makes machine data and insights accessible to all through an API or our visual UI.
  • Machine learning you can act on: Leverage Devo domain-specific applications, or integrate your own models to act in real time across security, IT operations, service delivery, and more.

Are your data operations ready for petabyte-level growth? Capture and act on 100% of your machine data at 20% of the cost.