Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

April 2022

Welcome to the Age of Cybersecurity Attack Stories

Let me tell you a story. Not a bedtime story or the sort of happy-ending story you’d read to your kids. This is a darker, much more serious story. It’s a story about cybersecurity. Specifically, it’s a story about attack stories. You may be asking yourself, what is an attack story? Every cyberattack has a story. And that story consists of a sequence of steps adversaries take to learn, access and control the resources and data of the victims they’re pursuing.

How to Foster a Productive SOC Culture

According to the 2021 Devo SOC Performance ReportTM — which is based on the results of a survey of more than 1,000 security practitioners — having an understaffed SOC or constant turnover of security talent can cripple an organization’s security posture. Let’s look at some of the root causes that can lead to these two interconnected problems.

How to Foster a Productive SOC Culture

According to the 2021 Devo SOC Performance ReportTM — which is based on the results of a survey of more than 1,000 security practitioners — having an understaffed SOC or constant turnover of security talent can cripple an organization’s security posture. Let’s look at some of the root causes that can lead to these two interconnected problems.