Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

February 2021

When Your Organization Should Adopt Centralized Logging

Most security pros know the value of log data. Organizations collect metrics, logs, and events from some parts of the environment. But there is a big difference between monitoring and a true centralized log management. How can you measure the effectiveness of your current logging solution? Here are four signs that it’s time to centralize log management in your organization: This post is based on content from the new Devo eBook The Shift Is On.

5 Best Practices for Security Logging in the Cloud

Logs are critical for detecting and investigating security issues. They also provide essential visibility into business operating environments. Many organizations, when they are small and just starting out, can get away with using a local log server and storage to collect data. Almost all security teams start off with this kind of on-premises logging approach. Most teams use an open-source, homegrown solution for this type of short-term, small-scale log analytics.