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Using MITRE ATT&CK for Incident Response Playbooks

A structured approach to incident response enables you to create consistently repeatable processes. Your incident response playbook defines responsibilities and guides your security team through a list of activities to reduce uncertainty if or when an incident occurs. MITRE ATT&CK Framework outlines the tactics and techniques that threat actors use during different stages of an attack.

Log it like you mean it: Best practices for security

Not every log is equal As solutions architects at Elastic, we receive a lot of questions around how to fine-tune a security environment, such as: The answer is often, "it depends." So, we’d like to explore the parameters behind these questions to provide you with a more comprehensive understanding of how they influence the response.

Creating an Incident Response Process

In today’s cyber threat landscape, almost everyone is one bad day away from a security incident. While not every incident becomes a data breach, security teams need to be prepared for anything. Just like that one friend who has a spreadsheet to help them organize the minute tasks associated with a project, security teams need to have a prepared list of steps to take during an incident.

Splunk Security Content for Impact Assessment of CrowdStrike Windows Outage

On July 19, 2024, CrowdStrike, a global cybersecurity company, experienced a significant outage caused by a faulty software update. This incident impacted millions of Windows machines across multiple industries, including transportation, defense, manufacturing, and finance. CrowdStrike has released an official statement and is posting updates on their blog. Microsoft has also published a blog with remediations, which we encourage you to review.

IP Address Alert Investigations: Correlating and Mapping with MITRE ATT&CK

An Internet Protocol (IP) address is the digital equivalent of your home address. Your home has a unique identification number that gives information about your physical geographic location, like road, city, state, and country. An IP address provides similar information about the people and devices connected to a network.

Ransomware Attacks: Held Hostage by Code

Data is among the most valuable assets for companies, making it a prime target for malicious actors. Ransomware attacks that seize data and demand a price for its return have become a significant concern for businesses and individuals. According to the Verizon 2024 Data Breach Investigations Report, about one-third of all breaches involved ransomware or another extortion technique. Here’s everything you need to know about ransomware and how to prevent a successful attack.

Introducing ShellSweepPlus: Open-Source Web Shell Detection

Today, the Splunk Threat Research Team is thrilled to introduce ShellSweepPlus, an advancement in our ongoing mission to combat the persistent threat of web shells. Building upon the solid foundation of its predecessor ShellSweep, ShellSweepPlus is an enhanced version that takes web shell detection to new heights, incorporating cutting-edge techniques and a multifaceted approach to safeguard your web environments.

The Importance of Email Security

Back in the early days of the internet, people looked forward to hearing that deep, robotic voice announcing “you’ve got mail!” Today, whether you like it or not, email is fundamental to personal and business communications. In 2022, people sent and received an estimated 333 billion emails daily, with the number expected to increase to 392.5 billion by 2026. Experiencing a security incident on your email server can interrupt business operations leading to lost revenue.