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Data Privacy

Is WhatsApp Safe for Sending Private Photos?

As of 2024, 2.96 billion unique WhatsApp users are trusting the messaging service to send chats, videos, and photos with WhatsApp. However, due to its parent company, Meta, many wonder: is WhatsApp safe for sending private photos? Security and privacy are totally different when it comes to protecting the data of your files and private photos with others.

Protect Your Personal Information: Ensuring Privacy and Security

Data is everywhere in the digital realm, on cell phones, tablets, PCs, and Macs. Even smart TVs, game controllers, and home appliances have data now. With too much data being generated, should we protect all of this content or specific items relevant to protecting their personal security? Everyone using smart devices must understand how data is generated and how long we should keep the data. How can you determine if someone has compromised your data?

The Hidden Cost of Web Pixels - A Privacy and Security Nightmare

Hey everyone, let’s talk about something we all encounter every day on the internet: web pixels. You might know them as tracking pixels or pixel tags. These tiny snippets of code, often invisible to the naked eye, are embedded in websites and emails. They might seem harmless, but they can have big consequences for your company’s privacy and security.

5 Key Data Protection Challenges and How to Overcome Them

Organizations understand their sensitive data is everywhere — and adversaries are after it. Data protection solutions have become an essential part of modern cybersecurity strategies. Organizations realize that in order to avoid a breach, they must have a plan to monitor and control data flow at the user level so they can better understand where data is going, who is accessing it and when malicious activity occurs. But when it comes to deployment and operationalization, things can get complicated.

Top Privacy Risks Startups Face and How to Mitigate Them

Startups often operate with limited resources, making them attractive targets for cybercriminals. According to Statista, the United States is home to some of the world's most successful startups, including Instagram, SpaceX, and Airbnb. While these companies have outgrown their startup phase, the region remains a vibrant hub for new ventures. Approximately 15% of the U.S. population is involved in startups.

How to prevent and bypass CAPTCHA while web scraping?

Failing to bypass captcha during web scraping can lead to issues. Some of them can be delays, incomplete data extraction, and wasted resources. Since these website obstacles are frustrating and costly, you need to know how to avoid them. In this article, we explore CAPTCHAs, how they function, and what activates them. Keep reading to discover ways to bypass these challenges and keep your projects running smoothly.

How Can You Become More Tech-Savvy and Use the Internet Smarter?

Connecting to the world's greatest digital hub (and repository of cat memes) has never been easier and more inclusive. That said, the fact that almost anyone can access the internet now doesn't mean we're all using it responsibly or getting the most out of the experience. This short guide will introduce you to four essential steps towards savvier and safer internet use.

Which Files Do You Need to Encrypt? How to Guarantee Privacy for Your Files

Are you worried about your personal information leaking online? Worried your email has breached online or leaked on the dark web? Unsure if you’re passwords are safe? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Fortunately, encryption is our friend. It is an advanced technology that prevents hackers from stealing our sensitive information, protects us from data breaches, and ensures businesses can comply with data protection laws.

How To Remove Your Personal Information From the Internet

You can remove your personal information from the internet by requesting that Google and people search sites remove it, checking if your credit card offers any removal services, deleting unused accounts and adjusting your privacy settings. Removing your Personally Identifiable Information (PII) from the internet can prevent cybercriminals from stealing your identity, committing fraud and targeting you with spam.