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How to prevent and bypass CAPTCHA while web scraping?

Failing to bypass captcha during web scraping can lead to issues. Some of them can be delays, incomplete data extraction, and wasted resources. Since these website obstacles are frustrating and costly, you need to know how to avoid them. In this article, we explore CAPTCHAs, how they function, and what activates them. Keep reading to discover ways to bypass these challenges and keep your projects running smoothly.

Best Web Scraping Courses Available in 2024

Looking for the best web scraping courses but don’t know where to start? We’ve curated a list with the best ones available online. From Python libraries to JavaScript frameworks, these comprehensive courses cover a wide range of tools and techniques to help you master web scraping. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced programmer, you’ll find one that suits your needs.

Learn How to Web Scrape: A Beginner's Guide

Is it a good idea to learn how to web scrape? If you want to save hundreds of hours of work, then you should. Also, it’s a cool skill to have as a programmer. Web scraping is the process of extracting data from websites, and since data is available everywhere, you can get it and process it effectively by mastering basic and advanced techniques.


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From Python to Java: What is the Best Language to Web Scrape?

Unsure which programming language to choose? Well, for a while, I was too! If you are like me, analysis paralysis can be a real pain… We have prepared a list with our top choices so you can stop wasting time and start taking action. Not only we’ll reveal the best language to web scrape, but we’ll also compare their strengths, weaknesses, and use cases, helping you make an informed decision. We won’t waste your time, as we have summarized everything for you.

Data Scraping Legal Issues: Exploring hiQ vs LinkedIn Case

The high-profile case of hiQ Labs Inc vs LinkedIn Corporation (that took place in the US) shed light on the much-discussed data scraping legal issues. We know you don’t want to get lost in legalese. So, we have prepared an easy-to-read summary of the most important points of this decision. The court sided with the scraper and established that scraping public data is not a violation of the CFAA (Computer Fraud and Abuse Act).

Web Scraping for SEO: Don't Waste Money on Expensive Tools

Of course, everyone wants to dominate the SERPs. It’s a no-brainer! Want to know one of my favorite ways to achieve better rankings? Yup, web scraping! Web scraping is particularly useful for SEO; not only is it very cheap, but it allows you to access hyper-specific data that sometimes is not even visible through SEMRush’s or Ahrefs’ databases. Keep in mind anyone can disallow these two bots (and any bot actually) via their robots.txt.

10 Most Common Web Scraping Problems and Their Solutions

Web scraping is almost like a super-power, yet it has its own set of problems. If there are challenges affecting your data extraction process… Well, you’re not alone. I’ve been there, and I know you too. In this guide, we will explore the most frequent web scraping problems and how to solve them effectively. From HTML structure issues to anti-scraping measures, you will find out how to address these issues and improve your web scraping skills.

What is Web Scraping and How It Works?

Confused and want to know what in the world web scraping is and how it works? Well you’ve come to the right place because we’re about to lay down everything for you. Before we dive in, I can already tell you the short version: Web scraping is the process of extracting publicly available data from a website. Join us to learn more about the specifics, how it works, and popular libraries that exist.