
Toronto, ON, Canada
  |  By Feroot
Protecting your e-commerce platform from unauthorized changes and skimming attacks is paramount for maintaining trust and ensuring compliance with PCI DSS 4.0, specifically requirement 11.6. This guide will walk you through utilizing Feroot platform to set up effective monitoring and response mechanisms for your payment pages.
  |  By Feroot
This user guide will walk you through how to use Feroot’s suite of tools to meet PCI-DSS requirement 6.4.3 on your e-commerce webpages that handle card payments.
  |  By Feroot
The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) 4.0, issued a comprehensive set of requirements, to safeguard online payment systems against breaches and theft of cardholder data. Requirement 6.4.3 is one of the critical components for businesses that take online payment and focuses on the management and integrity of scripts on webpages that take payment card (i.e.m credit card) payments.
  |  By Ivan Tsarynny
The healthcare industry has rapidly embraced digital technologies to enhance patient care, streamline operations, and improve communication. However, this digital transformation brings with it a significant challenge: protecting patient data. One often overlooked risk comes from tracking pixels, which can lead to (accidental) data leakage and privacy breaches.
  |  By Ivan Tsarynny
In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, staying ahead of threats and ensuring the safety of sensitive customer data is paramount. For organizations that handle payment card information, complying with industry standards like PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) is not only a best practice, but a compliance requirement that can result in hefty fines upwards of $100,000 a month.
  |  By Ivan Tsarynny
By analyzing over 3,000 websites and over 100,000 associated webpages (using the client-side security scanning feature of Feroot Inspector) across 6 sectors, it was determined that pixels/Trackers transfer data to almost 100 countries around the globe. Table 1 shows the top 40 destinations of data being transferred by pixels/trackers collecting data from the analyzed websites – all of which were US-based.
  |  By Ivan Tsarynny
In an analysis of over 3,000 websites and over 100,000 associated webpages (using the client-side security scanning feature of Feroot Inspector) found pixels/trackers on 95% of their websites. Each website in the study corresponds to an unique organization (company, non-profit, or government agency). The high 95% reflects the extent of data harvesting that is done by marketing, advertising, and performance platforms today.
  |  By Ivan Tsarynny
Analysis on 3,000 websites and over 100,000 associated webpages (using the client-side security scanning feature of Feroot Inspector) revealed that pixels/trackers are collecting and/or transferring data prior to the explicit consent (e.g., cookie acceptance) of a website user. (While some do not require actual consent for one reason or another, the consent is not explicitly made.) Table 1 shows the degree to which some pixels/trackers were present on the analyzed websites.
  |  By Ivan Tsarynny
In an analysis of over 3,000 websites and over 100,000 associated webpages (using the client-side security scanning feature of Feroot Inspector) across 6 sectors, it was discovered that TikTok pixels/trackers were present on 7.41% of the analyzed websites (shown in Table 1). Here, TikTok pixels/trackers were within the code of the web pages that load into a user’s browser from those websites.
  |  By Ivan Tsarynny
“ manipulate content, and if they want to, to use it for influence operations” – FBI Director Chris Wray “To maintain the security of data owned by the state of Nebraska, and to safeguard against the intrusive cyber activities of China’s communist government, we’ve made the decision to ban TikTok on state devices.” – NB Governor Pete Ricketts “Protecting citizens’ data is our top priority, and our IT professionals have determined, in consultat
  |  By Feroot
Feroot Security Inspector automatically discovers and reports on all JavaScript web assets and their data access. Inspector finds JavaScript security vulnerabilities on the client-side and reports on them, and provides specific client-side threat remediation advice to security teams in real-time. With Inspector, customers are able to conduct constant client-side attack surface management and defense.
  |  By Feroot
Feroot Security co-founders, Ivan Tsarynny and Vitaliy Lim, discuss the client-side landscape and why security is needed to protect the front-end.
  |  By Feroot
Head of Application Security at The Motley Fool, Paolo del Mundo, shares his experience with Feroot's Inspector and how it has increased visibility into their client-side attack surface.
  |  By Feroot
Client-side security is important today because of the increase in attacks against individuals using the web to access services that require the sharing of sensitive and personally identifiable information (PII). Feroot enables proactive client-side security programs to protect the customer journey. Our products are designed to significantly diminish a threat actor’s ability to breach customer data or damage websites via client-side attacks. We help cybersecurity and application security professionals guard the customer experience.
  |  By Feroot
Empower your business with client-side security. Arm your application developers, security professionals, and privacy professionals with reliable client-side security technologies to develop secure JavaScript applications, stop client-side cyberattacks, and ensure compliance with global privacy regulations. Learn more about Feroot Security and what we can do to help you secure your client-side attack surface!
  |  By Feroot
See Feroot Security Inspector in action. Learn how you can deploy client-side JavaScript security monitoring to detect Magecart, e-skimming, formjacking, JavaScript vulnerabilities, and other threats to your customer-facing web applications.
  |  By Feroot
Learn how to protect your client-side web applications and the customer data you collect via your websites. Gain a deep understanding of how to stop skimming breaches by closing gaps in your web application firewalls, content security policies, penetration testing, security testing, and vulnerability scanning coverage. Explore the basics of client-side security and learn how businesses can protect themselves and their customers with automated tools, monitoring, and controls to stop threats, all while safeguarding customer data.
  |  By Feroot
In a world in which commerce, business, and information are driven almost exclusively by the internet, protecting both consumers and data is critical.
  |  By Feroot
Learn how client-side web security programs use Feroot Security to align with cybersecurity frameworks.
  |  By Feroot
Learn everything you need to know about client-side security to protect JavaScript web applications and customer data. Discover how to secure your business so that it may succeed in today's digital economy.
  |  By Feroot
Learn how to protect your JavaScript web applications and customer data from cyberthreats. Discover how to secure your webpages and web applications so that your business can thrive. The guide highlights the fundamental risks associated with using JavaScript in an unprotected client-side environment and what web application developers and security professionals can do to better protect their websites and website users.

Secure your JavaScript web applications and webpages with automated security scanning, monitoring, and controls to stop cyber threats and protect customer data.

Arm your application developers, security professionals, and privacy professionals with reliable client-side security technologies to develop secure JavaScript applications, stop client-side cyberattacks, and ensure compliance with global privacy regulations.

Empower your business with client-side security:

  • Know your client-side attack surface: Create an inventory of client-side elements and gain a deep understanding of how scripts and applications behave and the data they can access.
  • Uncover suspicious behavior: Discover and control client-side web assets. Monitor web application behavior to determine if baseline scripts or applications show runtime or access abnormalities.
  • Act on privacy & compliance reports: Gain deep transparency of your client-side asset inventory, tracking, and remediation status’. Track PCI DSS, NIST, CIS Top 20, OWASP Top 10, and MITRE ATT&CK program maturity.

Client-Side Security Made Easy.