Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

April 2022

The TTPs of JavaScript Supply Chain Attacks

Recent research studies demonstrate that software supply chain attacks are on the upswing—by almost 300% in 2021 alone. To avoid attacks related to open-source libraries and JavaScript, businesses need to understand the tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) associated with JavaScript supply chain attacks.

E-commerce Website Security: 5 Threats & Security Solutions

E-commerce companies are among the businesses most at risk for cyberattacks. High-dollar customer purchases combined with easy-to-hack, JavaScript-based websites are a threat actor’s dream come true. Building a solid e-commerce program means taking some time to understand e-commerce website security, including threats and protective measures.

Everything You Need to Know to Improve JavaScript Security

JavaScript is a great programming tool, but JavaScript security problems can cause significant damage to organizations and their customers. To help cybersecurity professionals and software developers better understand everything they need to know to improve JavaScript security, we’ve developed a free, comprehensive e-book, The Ultimate Guide to JavaScript Security.