Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

September 2021

10 Ways to Improve Your Website Security (and Keep Your Customers Safe at the Same Time!)

Yes. There really are 10 fairly easy ways to improve your website security and protect your customers at the same time. But first, you may be asking “Why do I need to worry about my website security? Aren’t web applications safe? What could possibly go wrong?” We’re not in the business of peddling FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt), but… let’s be frank.

Clash of the Titans: Marketing and Security

There’s a natural tension within most companies: marketing wants to get stuff out, while IT and security are focused on protecting the business. These waters between marketing and security can be treacherous, and a recent challenge we observed in a large U.S.-based northeastern bank, illustrates the issue well. Like many financial institutions, mobile and web banking are a critical and core component of the business model.