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January 2022

Client-Side Kill Chain: JavaScript Security Attack Defense

In my decade working in the cybersecurity industry, I’ve developed quite a few fond memories learning from talented security professionals. In 2015, I found myself working with Andy Pendergast at ThreatConnect. (As a little background, Andy is one of the fine folks who developed the Diamond Model for Intrusion Analysis. He is considered to be a veritable cybersecurity encyclopedia among his peers.) At the time, I was new to cyber threat intelligence (CTI).

The Ultimate Guide to Client-Side Security: Executive Overview

​​In a world in which commerce, business, and information are driven almost exclusively by the internet, protecting both consumers and data is critical. Over the past few months I’ve spent a significant amount of time researching front-end and client-side security to understand the pitfalls of the JavaScript programming language and how businesses can protect themselves from JavaScript-based cyber attacks.

How to Check If your JavaScript Security is Working

Few programming languages generate the same love-hate relationship as JavaScript. For many websites, JavaScript (JS) is a critical coding component that drives client-side programming. Yet JS is also extremely vulnerable to attack since it is easy for hackers to input query strings into website code to access, steal, or contaminate data. Knowing whether your JavaScript is secure is crucial to maintaining a safe user experience for your clients and customers.

How to Recover from a Client-side Attack

I recently spoke to a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) who explained that he disliked marketing and saw it as a risk and cost center to his business. He seemed to believe that everything his company’s marketing team did on its website was a risk and even called some standard marketing practices “reckless.” I get it. To those who are unfamiliar with marketing, a lot of what marketers do can seem strange and intimidating.