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Championing Supply Chain Cybersecurity Amid Evolving Regulations-A New CISO Imperative

Supply chain cybersecurity and resilience have become pivotal across various cyber regulations, most notably NIS2 and DORA. In this blog, stemming from our latest ebook '5 Proven Strategies to Maximize Supply Chain Cyber Risk Management’, we will explore the reasons why resilience is a new mandate for CISOs today and, most importantly, how to secure the supply chain at scale—in line with evolving regulatory requirements.

Responsibilities of a modern CISO

The role of a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) is critical in an interconnected business environment. A modern CISO will ensure that their organization is well-prepared to handle the myriad of cybersecurity challenges it faces. It is multifaceted, extending beyond traditional IT security to encompass various responsibilities to protect an organization's information assets.

Why the CISO & Security Leader Has Become the Chief Storytelling Officer

The role of the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) or Security Leader has undergone a transformation as profound as the threats we face. Between new regulations such as SEC, NIS2, and DORA, the explosion of generative AI, and the rapidly expanding attack surface, the burden is now on cybersecurity leaders to not only protect the organization but build confidence with customers, regulators, board members, and other stakeholders. The key to building trust? Storytelling.

How exposure management can help CISOs benchmark their security posture against industry peers--and why that's important

Digital transformation initiatives and the adoption of cloud, mobile, and remote work models have eviscerated the traditional security perimeter. Enterprise assets are distributed across the cloud, endpoints, mobile, and personally owned devices and expanded the attack surface in the process. Organizations are increasingly vulnerable to attack via unknown and unmanaged Internet-facing assets.

Why the CISO Has Become the Chief Storytelling Officer

The role of the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) has undergone a transformation as profound as the threats we face. Between new regulations such as SEC, NIS2, and DORA, the explosion of generative AI, and the rapidly expanding attack surface, the burden is now on cybersecurity leaders to not only protect the organization but build confidence with customers, regulators, board members, and other stakeholders. The key to building trust? Storytelling.

AI Assistants: A New Challenge for CISOs

Over the past year, AI innovation has swept through the workplace. Across industries and all team functions, we are seeing employees using AI assistants to streamline various tasks, including taking minutes, writing emails, developing code, crafting marketing strategies and even helping with managing company finances.

Why metrics-and context-matter: How CISOs can measure and communicate cyber resilience

Cyberattacks in the digital supply chain are now some of the most common cyber incidents today, with many of the recent major breaches resulting from a single vulnerability. Because of the rapid pace and scale of these attacks, cyber leaders can no longer rely on static analyses of their environments, and must continuously assess cyber risk across their entire supply chain and vendor ecosystem.

CISO Takeaways: Sysdig's 2024 Cloud-Native Security and Usage Report

After a year of cyber attacks making headlines worldwide, many organizations, such as MGM Resorts, Clorox, and T-Mobile, have taken a reputational hit similar to SolarWinds. Sysdig’s 2024 Cloud-Native Security and Usage Report provided some informative key takeaways that CISOs can hone in on to improve their security posture. As a CISO, you do not want to catch your organization on that list; mitigating reputational risk is a part of your job.