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Top Questions CISOs Should Ask: How To Guide The Development Of A Secure DevSecOps Strategy

With the threat landscape being on the rise, CISOs need to be much more attentive while building the organization’s security strategy. Constantly arising vulnerabilities, ransomware attacks, critical workflows, outages – all of that require CISOs to stay up to date to security issues and keep their finger on the pulse to change their security strategy once the prerequisites pop up. We’ve been tracking GitHub, GitLab, and Atlassian -related incidents for the latest few years…

The Evolving Role of CISOs in an AI-enhanced Cybersecurity World

As businesses increasingly rely on digital infrastructures, the threats that aim to exploit these technologies also evolve. It’s no longer just about safeguarding against unauthorized access; it’s about understanding and mitigating the complex risks introduced by AI and machine learning—topics I’ve often discussed, emphasizing the need for an advanced cybersecurity strategy that evolves as quickly as the technologies it aims to protect.

Managing Open Source Costs: The CISOs Guide to Efficient and Effective Security Operations

Open source software offers numerous benefits, including flexibility and cost savings, but managing, maintaining, and scaling these tools can become a significant burden for CISOs. As open source solutions proliferate within your organization, the associated costs and complexities can spiral out of control. This webinar will address the challenge of managing open source costs and how LimaCharlie can provide the efficiencies needed to keep these expenses in check.

Maximising Security Investments: A CISO's Guide to Budget Optimisation & Technology Consolidation

Economic pressures have been leading to greater budget scrutiny and justification of resources for cybersecurity teams. Boards are asking harder questions around cyber risk and exposure. Not only are CISOs working hard to justify and measure their program, they’ve had to become more data-driven in the way they align investments towards company outcomes and business objectives.

CISO Explains Switch from Microsoft to CrowdStrike for Cybersecurity

The CISO of a major insurance company recently switched from Microsoft to CrowdStrike for endpoint and identity security following a ransomware incident that Microsoft Defender failed to block. The following Q&A explains what happened, the fallout with Microsoft and how CrowdStrike delivered the protection, consolidation and support the CISO needed. Describe your security posture before the incident. I joined the company as CISO a few years ago.

Reducing Storage Spend: The CISOs Guide to Efficient and Effective Security Operations

As data volumes grow exponentially, CISOs face the mounting challenge of managing storage costs without compromising security. Storing vast amounts of security data can quickly become cost-prohibitive, and inefficient storage solutions can lead to budget overruns. This webinar will explore how LimaCharlie can help reduce storage spend while maintaining robust security measures.

Strategic Risk Management for CISOs: A Holistic and Consolidated Approach

As Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs), it's crucial to manage risks in a holistic and consolidated manner as the landscape of threats, particularly those targeting applications, continues to evolve and expand. With the increasing reliance on digital technologies, artificial intelligence (AI), and cloud-based services, the attack surface for potential cyber threats is growing and changing.

How Can CISOs Elevate Their Contribution Within the C-suite?

Businesses manage a series of balancing acts every day—between innovation and reliability, for instance, investment or profit, speed or security. Each leader contributes to how decisions are weighed and made, and traditionally CISOs have been expected to operate at one end of that scale, as the chief protector of the business.

5 Key Insights From a Modern CISO Panel

Devo recently brought together an esteemed panel of modern CISOs to discuss the issues that matter most to them and their peers. Included in the panel were: It was a lively discussion that covered important topics around the evolution of one of the top security executive roles. Here are five of the key takeaways that bubbled up from the hour-long CISO panel.