
Burlington, MA, USA
  |  By Brian Roche
The shift to AI-integrated software development isn’t just a trend; it's a fundamental change that’s reshaping industries and redefining the future of technology. This shift brings both revolutionary potential and formidable cyber challenges. Cyber challenges that King Charles III even addressed in the proposals of his King’s Speech on July 17. As we plunge into the AI era, we must understand how these changes are unfolding and what they signify for technological advancement.
  |  By Kyle Lovett
In our interconnected online world, the security of applications and the data they process is essential. Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) plays a critical role in enhancing application security by offering valuable insights into potential threats, vulnerabilities, and the overall security posture of an organization.
  |  By Scott Simpson
Lax security measures in the software development lifecycle (SDLC) can lead to severe financial repercussions for organizations. The Verizon 2024 Data Breach Investigations Report highlights this growing risk, stating, "Our ways-in analysis witnessed a substantial growth of attacks involving the exploitation of vulnerabilities as the critical path to initiate a breach when compared to previous years.
  |  By Chris Eng
Jay Jacobs and I recently delivered an RSA presentation called Quantifying the Probability of Flaws in Open Source. Since many people didn’t get a chance to see it, I thought I’d summarize some of the findings here for posterity. The question we investigated was simple, at least conceptually: what are the red flags of an open-source repository? Are there characteristics of a given open source library that would reliably indicate it was safer than others?
  |  By Robert Haynes
In this blog, we’re going to examine the Veracode CLI tool. Available for Windows, MacOS, and Linux, the imaginatively named binary veracode can perform a variety of functions across the SDLC. Installing the tool is easy, just follow the steps in the documentation.
  |  By Jenny Buckingham
In today's digital landscape, Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) play an important role in driving innovation. They allow teams to integrate new applications with existing systems, reuse code and deliver software more efficiently. But, APIs are also prime targets for hackers due to their public availability and the large amounts of web data they transmit. API vulnerabilities can lead to unauthorized access, data breaches, and various other forms of attacks.
  |  By Michael Kucek
Here’s what you need to know about the progression of the Polyfill supply chain attack and how to respond.
  |  By Sohail Iqbal
As Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs), it's crucial to manage risks in a holistic and consolidated manner as the landscape of threats, particularly those targeting applications, continues to evolve and expand. With the increasing reliance on digital technologies, artificial intelligence (AI), and cloud-based services, the attack surface for potential cyber threats is growing and changing.
  |  By Robert Haynes
Veracode Scan for VS Code was one of the big hits on the expo floor at the RSA Security conference in May this year. People liked the integration of Veracode Static, Veracode SCA, and Veracode Fix into a single extension, giving developers the tools to scan their code and resolve problems with AI assistance while they are actively developing code.
  |  By Chris Wysopal
In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, the maturity of an organization's Application Security (AppSec) program is not just beneficial; it's imperative for resilience at scale and reducing security debt accumulation. Since software is increasingly central to business operations, the need for robust AppSec programs has never been more critical. Here’s a guide to understanding the various stages of AppSec maturity and how to evolve through them for effective risk management.
  |  By Veracode
Build and scale secure software from code to cloud with speed and trust. Veracode’s Platform allows you to start fast and scale, enable real-time flaw remediation, and gain actionable visibility into your application risk.
  |  By Veracode
Join our CEO, Brian Roche, and CTO, Chris Wysopal as they talk about Veracode's recent acquisition and more.
  |  By Veracode
Are you ready to dive into the world of application security and artificial intelligence? Watch the exclusive talk by the renowned Julian Totzek Hallhuber, Solutions Architecture Manager at Veracode, during Mind the Sec 2023 in Brazil. In this engaging talk, Julian explores the advantages and disadvantages of using AI in the AppSec landscape and discovers how AI is revolutionizing the way we protect our applications from constantly evolving cyber threats.
  |  By Veracode
Veracode co-founder Chris Wysopal joins host Brian Roche, Chief Product Officer of Veracode, in our inaugural video podcast, The Tech Evolution. In this episode Brian and Chris discuss the impact that artificial intelligence has on software development, and even more importantly, keeping software secure using this exciting new technology.
  |  By Veracode
In this video, you will learn how to create, configure, and schedule an unauthenticated Dynamic Analysis. An unauthenticated Dynamic Analysis scan is appropriate when the site you are scanning does not require a login. Veracode Dynamic Analysis also supports the scanning of websites that require authentication, such as login via a web form, browser-based, or NTLM.
  |  By Veracode
In this video, you will learn how to install the Veracode IntelliJ Plugin, generate API ID and key credentials in the Veracode platform, and store those credentials in IntelliJ. The Veracode IntelliJ Plugin enables you to upload binaries to the Veracode Platform for static security analysis. You can then review the scan results from within IntelliJ IDEA to identify and mitigate potential security findings in your applications.
  |  By Veracode
Introducing Veracode Container Security - this new tool is now seamlessly integrated with the Continuous Software Security Platform. Veracode Container Security is a command line interface (CLI) tool that integrates into your pipeline with ease. This empowers developers to secure containers earlier in the software development life cycle, ensuring containers are built and deployed securely.
  |  By Veracode
Chris Wysopal, CTO and Co-founder of #Veracode shares his 2023 Application Security Technology Predictions with Community Manager, Javed Mohammed.
  |  By Veracode
In this video, you will learn how to set up an agent and start scanning with the Veracode Software Composition Analysis agent-based scan.
  |  By Veracode
Introducing the Veracode SCA Scan for VS Code Plugin Developers can now: · Run an SCA Scan with Veracode· Identify vulnerabilities and license risks in open-source dependencies· Prioritize and rapidly fix any issues· Access the Veracode database, remediation guidance, and more All from within VS Code! Easily download the extension from the VS Code Marketplace.
  |  By Veracode
While shifting security left in your software development lifecycle is crucial to application security success, it's still imperative to maintain testing in the later stages of your process. After all, some web application vulnerabilities can only be discovered at that point in the SDLC.
  |  By Veracode
With a comprehensive AppSec program, you want to understand your entire development, security, and application footprint so you can roll out consistent tools and processes. As a result, only a portion of your applications are covered, leaving vulnerabilities unprotected. And blind spots are clouding visibility into risk reduction efforts, making it difficult to report on progress throughout your organization.
  |  By Veracode
Veracode Static Analysis provides fast, automated security feedback to developers; conducts a full policy scan before deployment; and gives clear guidance on what issues to focus on and how to fix them faster.
  |  By Veracode
You want AppSec tools in your development process, but anything less than full integration undermines your program's effectiveness. Getting the right resources into developers' hands typically requires: tools, systems, and processes.
  • Ongoing maintenance: Routine patches and upgrades can be time consuming-especially if you're supporting multiple geographies or teams-and may break your customizations.
  •   |  By Veracode
    In a world where time is money, companies are required to churn out software quickly or get left in the dust. To stay ahead of the market, developers are turning towards open source code, which - when secure - can be a valuable asset towards their efforts
      |  By Veracode
    Developers want to create secure code, but lack training, so they must rely on AppSec experts to create secure applications. But the severe cybersecurity talent shortage leads to: As a result, developers are often conducting their own security research, which takes substantial time, increasing software delays and costs. With Veracode, you enable developers to write secure code and decrease flaws, so you can make your developers security self-sufficient.
      |  By Veracode
    Today, most organizations are in a race to deliver new, innovative software before their competitors. In turn, they have gone from bi-annual software releases to daily, hourly, or even by-the-minute releases. To keep up with these rapid deployments, security has had to shift from being a late-stage blocker, to an integrated part of the development process. Developers have been doing their best to implement these security measures, but since their performance is often tied to the rate of deployments, speed tends to take precedence. As a security professional, what are some steps you can take so that security doesn't take a back seat to speed?
      |  By Veracode
    Veracode Security Labs shifts application security knowledge "left," earlier in the development cycle, through guided, interactive exercises that train developers to tackle modern threats in the evolving cybersecurity landscape and deliver secure code on time.

    Veracode delivers the application security solutions and services today’s software-driven world requires. Veracode’s unified platform assesses and improves the security of applications from inception through production so that businesses can confidently innovate with the web and mobile applications they build, buy and assemble as well as the components they integrate into their environments.

    Veracode’s powerful cloud-based platform, deep security expertise, and systematic, policy-based approach provide enterprises with a simpler and more scalable way to reduce application-layer risk across their global software infrastructures.

    The Veracode Solution:

    • Overcoming DevSecOps Challenges: Innovating through software holds many promises but also bears risks. AppSec programs often struggle with the same problems:
      • Some solutions are hard to manage and scale.
      • Developers are not empowered to fix security issues.
      • Security teams lack bandwidth to manage DevSecOps programs.
      Veracode addresses all of these challenges with a unique combination of automated application analysis in the pipeline, plus DevSecOps expertise for developers and security professionals, all delivered through a scalable SaaS platform.
    • Delivered Through SaaS: Our SaaS model delivers a better, more scalable service at a lower cost. Because we've analyzed over 10 trillion lines of code, Veracode is able to provide the fastest path to accuracy - without tuning. Our expertise is based on analyzing customer programs for over a decade.
    • Application Analysis: Veracode simplifies AppSec programs by combining five application security analysis types in one solution, all integrated into the development pipeline.
    • Developer Enablement: Most AppSec programs forget that there is only one team that can fix security findings: the development team. Veracode provides developers with security feedback in their IDE in seconds as they are writing code, helping them learn on the job.
    • AppSec Governance: AppSec programs can only be successful if all stakeholders value and support them. That’s why Veracode helps security teams to demonstrate the value of AppSec.

    Manage Your Entire Application Security Program in a Single Platform.