Veracode Container Security

Veracode Container Security

Feb 6, 2023

Introducing Veracode Container Security - this new tool is now seamlessly integrated with the Continuous Software Security Platform.

Veracode Container Security is a command line interface (CLI) tool that integrates into your pipeline with ease. This empowers developers to secure containers earlier in the software development life cycle, ensuring containers are built and deployed securely.

The solution provides a fast, easy, and accurate way to scan, find and fix vulnerabilities and infrastructure as code (IaC) file issues in container images, directories, repositories, and archives throughout multiple stages of the development process.

Key Advantages
Scan fast with simple CLI commands and secure coding processes integrated into your existing CI/CD pipeline to discover potential risks.

Find and fix known vulnerabilities, security misconfigurations, and hardcoded secrets before workloads are shipped to production.

Accelerate developer-led remediation and meet compliance faster with accurate, in-line security findings, context, and vulnerability descriptions.

Learn more here: