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Streamlining Your Response to Security Assessments With Bitsight Trust Management Hub

Most organizations now recognize that even if they have a strong internal security posture, a security lapse by any one of their many third-party vendors or partners can be just as catastrophic to their business as a direct breach. Industry and government regulators are increasingly focused on this topic as well, resulting in a wave of new compliance requirements that extend to third-party risks.

Bitsight Groma: Next-generation Internet Scanning

Earlier this year, we announced Bitsight’s next-generation internet scanning, Bitsight Groma, and AI-powered discovery and attribution technology, Bitsight Graph of Internet Assets (Bitsight GIA). While these technologies work as partners in the Bitsight Cyber Risk Data Engine to create a dynamic map of internet infrastructure, it is helpful to separate them out to understand their unique contributions.

CrowdStrike Outage: Short-Term Actions and Strategic Priorities for the Future

As most in the industry are aware, a defective content update to CrowdStrike’s Falcon Sensor for Windows led to a global cascade of system outages affecting critical industry sectors such as transportation, banking, healthcare, and public safety. Many enterprises and government agencies around the world are still actively managing their response to this incident.

What ended up on the cutting room floor after we sliced and diced the KEV

In the course of a major research rollout like my recent whitepaper on KEV vulnerabilities, I frequently end up doing some bit of analysis that doesn’t make it into the final doc. Usually, it is because I am dealing with limited space and attention spans, and I gotta stop sometime. The stuff that gets cut is usually not terribly compelling or surprising or is maybe more an artifact of the particular bias in our sample or is only interesting to a very small audience.

Maximising Security Investments: A CISO's Guide to Budget Optimisation & Technology Consolidation

Economic pressures have been leading to greater budget scrutiny and justification of resources for cybersecurity teams. Boards are asking harder questions around cyber risk and exposure. Not only are CISOs working hard to justify and measure their program, they’ve had to become more data-driven in the way they align investments towards company outcomes and business objectives.

The Impact of the Kaspersky Ban

On June 20th, 2024, the Department of Commerce's Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) announced the prohibition of Kaspersky Lab, Inc., the U.S. subsidiary of a Russia-based anti-virus software and cybersecurity company, from directly or indirectly providing anti-virus software and cybersecurity products or services in the U.S. or to U.S. persons. The prohibition also applies to Kaspersky Lab, Inc.’s affiliates, subsidiaries, and parent companies.

NIS2 Compliance: How to Identify and Evaluate Critical Suppliers

As the NIS2 Directive reshapes the cybersecurity landscape across Europe, a key focus for organisations is understanding and managing their critical suppliers. The directive mandates heightened scrutiny and tighter controls around these essential entities, underscoring their importance in your overall cybersecurity strategy. But the pivotal question remains: How do you determine who qualifies as a 'critical supplier'?

2024 Bitsight Ratings Algorithm Update: Purpose, Observations, and Impact

As our 2024 Rating Algorithm Update (RAU) goes live on July 10, 2024, we wanted to share some research that validates this update and reinforces the importance of the RAU process. As we noted in our announcement blog, after RAU 2024, remediated Patching Cadence findings will impact the Bitsight Rating for 90 days after the last vulnerable observation instead of 300 days.

Evaluating dependence on NVD

As I mentioned at the beginning of this year, I am trying to do a monthly blog post on what might be termed “Major Security Events”. In particular this year, I’ve written about the Ivanti meltdown, Lockbit ransomware, and the xz backdoor. These events usually emerge cacophonously and suddenly into the cybersecurity landscape, and generally get everyone’s attention “real quick”.