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Create Instant, Scalable, and Cost-Effective Value for MSSP Customers

This blog was originally published on MSSP Alert on November 20, 2024. Imagine being able to offer your customers instant value for selecting your MSSP over others. This sounds like a tricky proposition, given that organizations seeking managed security solutions can be extremely diverse. What could a medical institution need that would also benefit an energy company? Where do the needs of a tech startup and a dairy farm intersect?

#177 - Intel Chat: Supply-Chain Firewall, Scattered Spider, Linux malware & another NTLM exploit

In this episode of The Cybersecurity Defenders Podcast, we discuss some cutting-edge intel coming out of LimaCharlie's community Slack channel. The live stream mentioned in this episode for the Cybersecurity Cares Fundraising efforts for Becky’s Fund took place on December 19, 2024.

Building a Profitable MSSP: Modern Pricing Strategies for Maximum Growth

MSSPs face a difficult 2025 as several prominent security vendors move toward offering services. Staying profitable will be challenging in an environment where licensing fees are increasing, partners are becoming competitors, and emerging technologies threaten traditional security practices. Create a winning plan by joining Matt Bromiley, Lead Solutions Engineer at LimaCharlie, for an informative webinar on MSSP pricing strategies.

How Can MSSPs Respond to Vendor Competition?

Managed security service providers (MSSPs) must confront a worrying trend: More and more cybersecurity solutions vendors are developing—or acquiring—managed services offerings of their own. This places MSSPs in direct competition with the vendors on whose tools they depend. Large EDR/XDR providers like CrowdStrike, Palo Alto, and Check Point already have managed detection and response (MDR) services. And more large security firms are moving in this direction.