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How to Optimize Test Management in Jira: Solutions for Common QA Challenges

Over the years, one question seems to come up again and again for QA professionals and testers: “How can we manage test cases efficiently?” It is a challenge that teams across the world face every day, and it is critical to address for successful software development. While we might joke about gathering hundreds of testers in one room to debate the answer, the reality is that testers rarely have time for such discussions.

IT Resource Management: Why It Is A Key To Business Success

To achieve success with your project, you should pay close attention to how you manage your IT resources. If these are allocated correctly, it is easier to stay within budget, maximize the productivity of your employees or teams, and, most importantly, – deliver a high-quality project on time. However, managing these resources effectively takes time and a lot of effort.

Data Protection And Backup Predictions For 2025 and beyond

No matter how businesses look at it, the importance of data protection and backup in IT strategies will grow in upcoming years. These aspects have become vital to every business venture and are driven by increasing cyber threats and stringent regulatory requirements. According to Gartner’s predictions, around 75% of enterprises will rely more on SaaS (Software-as-a-service) application backups. By 2028, they are expected to be a critical requirement for business ventures.

Top 14 GitHub Data Risks: Data Loss Scenarios and How to Prevent Them

While GitHub offers robust features, preventing data loss risks requires proactive measures. It’s vital as businesses increasingly rely on GitHub for source code management, safeguarding repositories against data loss, breaches, and operational disruptions. This overview explores the 15 most common data risks and provides actionable strategies for securing repositories and maintaining seamless development workflows. Contents hide 1 Risk 1. Accidental deletion of repositories 2 Risk 2.

Become The Master Of Disaster: Disaster Recovery Plan for DevOps

Ensuring business continuity requires more than just robust pipelines and agile practices in DevOps. A well-designed Disaster Recovery Plan is critical to mitigate risks, recover swiftly from failures, and ensure your data and infrastructure integrity. Contents hide 1 Are there any myths related to DR in DevOps?

The Real Cost of DevOps Backup Scripts

Backups can act as a safety net for DevOps. They help to keep important data safe and ensure smooth workflow and business resilience in the midst of a disaster. However, which backup method is the most efficient one? There are different options for backing up your DevOps stack which range from basic scripts put together by internal IT teams to advanced solutions provided by professional backup vendors.

Best Practices for Securing Git LFS on GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, and Azure DevOps

Git Large File Storage (Git LFS) is an open-source Git extension that handles versioning for large files. It optimizes git repositories by storing data separately from the repository’s core structure, making it much easier for developers to manage binary assets. However, such an efficiency requires proper security and configuration to function optimally. Utilizing best practices, like access control, encrypted connections, and regular repository maintenance, firmly secures the Git LFS performance.

A Comprehensive Guide To The NIST Cybersecurity Framework

Businesses are turning to structured cybersecurity approaches like the NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) to protect data from breaches. Especially since the latter’s cost is expected to reach $10.5 million in 2025. The CSF’s core functions (Govern, Identify, Protect, Detect, Respond, Recover) can help mitigate digital risks.

Cyber Resilience Act: What Does It Mean For Your Digital Business?

Software developers push thousands of lines of code every day, helping enterprises shape the tools and applications we all rely on, starting from banking to entertainment. However, we shouldn’t forget that behind every successful deployment lies a hidden challenge – what cyber security measures should be taken to protect the source code, hardware and software products, and critical company and customer data?

Azure DevOps Security Best Practices

Data-handling platforms such as Azure DevOps are often relied on by many different modern organizations, therefore it is important to secure such environments. These widely used platforms simplify DevOps processes like project management and the work of developers. However, there is a downside, the rise of technology brings an increased risk of cyber attacks.