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Data Privacy

Cloudflare meets new Global Cross-Border Privacy (CBPR) standards

Cloudflare proudly leads the way with our approach to data privacy and the protection of personal information, and we’ve been an ardent supporter of the need for the free flow of data across jurisdictional borders. So today, on Data Privacy Day (also known internationally as Data Protection Day), we’re happy to announce that we’re adding our fourth and fifth privacy validations, and this time, they are global firsts!

The 3 Ways That Data Brokers End Up With Your Information

Keeping up with privacy today is challenging, especially with so many ways your information can be shared and sold without you knowing. Data brokers collect a lot of personal information from different places. They gather details from your online activities, buying habits, and social interactions, then sell this information in a market that values data over privacy.

Data privacy in 2025: Navigating the evolving digital frontier

As we advance into 2025, data privacy continues to be a critical area of focus for organizations worldwide. The accelerating pace of technological innovation, coupled with heightened consumer awareness and stricter regulatory frameworks, demands that technology leaders prioritize data protection. This article explores key trends shaping the future of data privacy and offers actionable insights for navigating this complex landscape.

Redacting Message Fields for Privacy Purposes

Many organizations today have strict data privacy regulations that they must comply with. These privacy regulations can often clash with the requirements of security, application and operations teams who need detailed log information. This how to guide walks you through redacting message fields for privacy purposes. At Graylog, many of the organizations who use our tool are logging sensitive data that may contain personally identifiable information, health related data or financial data.

Securing Patient Privacy: Techniques for De-identifying Healthcare Data

Protecting patient privacy is vital in the healthcare industry. The rise of digital records has made safeguarding sensitive information more challenging. De-identifying healthcare data ensures compliance with regulations like HIPAA while protecting patient information. Key concepts include PHI (Protected Health Information), de-identification, and the safe harbor method.

Is WhatsApp Safe for Sending Private Photos?

As of 2024, 2.96 billion unique WhatsApp users are trusting the messaging service to send chats, videos, and photos with WhatsApp. However, due to its parent company, Meta, many wonder: is WhatsApp safe for sending private photos? Security and privacy are totally different when it comes to protecting the data of your files and private photos with others.

Protect Your Personal Information: Ensuring Privacy and Security

Data is everywhere in the digital realm, on cell phones, tablets, PCs, and Macs. Even smart TVs, game controllers, and home appliances have data now. With too much data being generated, should we protect all of this content or specific items relevant to protecting their personal security? Everyone using smart devices must understand how data is generated and how long we should keep the data. How can you determine if someone has compromised your data?