Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

January 2021

I Am Devo

In their debut LP, Q: Are We Not Men? A: We Are Devo!, the band introduces their defining theme that mankind’s evolution has reached the point—devolved to the point, actually—that we are converging on sameness… emotionless and robotic. This notion informed everything from the way Devo dressed (awesome!), to the music they wrote, to the way they performed. What does the band Devo’s theme of devolution have to do with me joining a software company of the same name?

Devo Security Operations - Command and Control Use Case

Table of Contents:

00:00 - Introduction
00:08 - C&C concept
00:31 - C&C types
01:02 - C&C in SecOps
01:41 - C&C in SecOps: alerts
02:23 - C&C in SecOps: Triage
02:45 - C&C in SecOps: new investigation
03:14 - C&C in SecOps: associations
04:09 - C&C in SecOps: related alerts
04:49 - C&C in SecOps: Hunting
05:18 - C&C in SecOps: identify outbound traffic

The Final Critical Step to Building the Modern SOC

The new Devo eBook, Building the Modern SOC, presents four evolutionary steps for creating a highly automated and efficient security operations center (SOC) that empowers analysts. This is the last in a series of posts highlighting the most important elements of the four steps. Previous posts covered Step 1, establishing a foundation of centralized, scalable visibility, Step 2, extracting intelligent insights from your data, and Step 3, supercharging your analysts with the power of automation.