Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Enhance Your Security Posture with Microsoft Azure Native Tools and Tanium

When it comes to securing your business, visibility into your company’s devices is key. As we so often say, you can’t protect what you can’t see. What’s more, visibility into your devices needs to be accurate and current – your IT security and operations teams can’t protect your environment if they’re working from data that’s hours (or days or weeks) old.

Is Your Organization Prepared for Tomorrow's Risks? Announcing Tanium Integrated Risk Management for ServiceNow

As IT infrastructures grow more complex and cyber threats escalate, CIOs are searching for a powerful new solution for risk and compliance. Tanium Integrated Risk Management (IRM) for ServiceNow addresses these challenges with an integrated platform that transforms visibility, control, and remediation with real-time, unified data for IT, security, and risk teams.

Autonomous Endpoint Management

Tanium AEM leverages real-time insights from all Tanium cloud-managed endpoints to recommend and automate changes on endpoints within a customer’s environment, giving IT and security teams a safe, scalable, and automated platform to deliver increasingly efficient operations and an improved security posture at scale, with confidence, and in real time.