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Tanium Podcast | Pair real-time data with autonomous power with Tanium Automate

“What level of automation are we talking about here? I mean, because I still won't get in a car that doesn't have a human at the wheel.” With Tanium Automate, you can codify (and simplify) complex manual security tasks, saving time, reducing errors, and yes, keeping a human at the wheel. HOST: Doug Thompson, chief education architect, Tanium GUESTS: Steven Yang, director of product management, Tanium.

Implementing Organizational Segmentation - RBAC - Tanium Tech Talks #106

Today we are getting into the weeds of implementing Tanium RBAC at scale - Role Based Access Control. What does it look like in real life? If you're a global company, a state government, any organization that has business units or agencies that needs separated duties and permissions within a single Tanium console, then this show is for you. The two-part RBAC episode #81 linked below is the pre-requisite for this video.

VP of Product Marketing Vivek Bhandari on ticker News: Modernize patching with AI and automation

Automation is crucial in reducing cybersecurity vulnerabilities, says Vivek Bhandari, VP of Product Marketing at Tanium. Poor patching methods create a backlog of security issues, or “vulnerability debt,” which can leave organizations exposed. Bhandari urges companies to modernize their processes and use AI and automation to quickly identify and fix vulnerabilities. This proactive approach can significantly reduce risk and keep systems secure.