Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

October 2024

A Step-by-Step Guide to Performing a Secure Code Review

We’ve all been there—staring at code, hoping no hidden traps are waiting to cause chaos down the line. That’s where secure code reviews come in. Think of them as your last chance to catch those pesky bugs and vulnerabilities before they wreak havoc. And here’s a little reality check—those cutting-edge LLMs? They suggest insecure code 30% of the time. So, even with AI on our side, we still need to stay sharp.

Container Runtime Security: What is it and how to set it up?

Containers have quietly become indispensable in the modern application deployment stack, revolutionizing how we build, ship, and run applications. However, with their widespread adoption comes a pressing concern. According to the 2024 State of Kubernetes Security Report, 45% of respondents experienced a runtime security incident in the last 12 months. This raises a few questions: What exactly is container runtime security?

5 Things to Look Out for with AI Code Review

Imagine slashing the time spent on code reviews while catching more bugs and vulnerabilities than ever before. That’s the promise of AI-driven code review tools. With 42% of large and enterprise organizations already integrating AI into their IT operations , the future of software development is here. These tools can swiftly detect syntax errors, enforce coding standards, and identify security threats, making them invaluable to development teams. However, as powerful as AI is, it has its pitfalls.

Top 9 Log Analysis Tools

Logs tell the hidden story of your IT infrastructure – what’s working, what’s breaking, and what could be under attack. You’re left sifting through a chaotic stream of events, risking missed insights crucial for maintaining security and operational stability. And the stakes couldn’t be higher. The average global data breach cost hit $4.24 million, with U.S. companies facing an even steeper $9.48 million per incident.

6 Threat Modeling Examples for DevSecOps

As organizations push the boundaries of innovation, the need to embed security into every layer of the development process has never been more pressing. DevSecOps—a practice that integrates security directly into the DevOps pipeline—has emerged as a critical approach to staying ahead of potential threats. Yet, the challenge is knowing how to weave security seamlessly into these complex, fast-moving environments.