Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

May 2022

Top 10 CI/CD Automation Tools

Software teams have focused on agility since the world embraced Mark Zuckerberg’s motto to “move fast and break things.” But many still lack the confidence or tooling to accelerate their processes. What’s more: in the race to release more, ship faster, and prioritize speed, many have neglected thoughtfulness and security – with Facebook itself becoming the poster child of data misuse.

4 Tips for an Airtight Kubernetes Security Policy

Kubernetes powers significant automation capabilities for developers in deploying, managing, scaling, and ensuring the availability of containerized apps. Data from 2021 shows that adoption continues to rise with over 5.6 million developers now using the industry’s favored container orchestration engine. However, Kubernetes and containerization introduce new complexities that pose unique security challenges.

Top 7 Data Leak Detection Solutions

Today’s threat actors often carry out cyber attacks with the primary objective of accessing and exfiltrating sensitive information from your IT environment. Efforts to obtain this “crown jewel” information usually involve complex multi-phase cyber attacks. But another way in which sensitive data ends up in the hands of malicious actors with a lot less effort is when an organization exposes sensitive data assets in a data leak incident.

The IaC Showdown: Terraform vs. Ansible

Infrastructure as code (IaC) has become the de-facto method for dealing with infrastructure at scale. This codification of infrastructure configurations lets software development teams create version-controlled, reusable configurations. Moreover, it enables integrating infrastructure management as a part of the delivery pipeline.