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December 2021

What is Log4Shell (the Log4j vulnerability)?

Log4j, Log4j, Log4j. Let’s see you say that 10 times fast. If you can’t, then you may need to learn because Log4j is on the tips of everyone’s tongues right now. In fact, people are calling Log4j the biggest security breach since Tutar, Borat’s movie daughter, sneaked into The White House and had a lively face-to-face conversation with President Trump.

What is Log4Shell (the Log4j vulnerability)?

Log4j, Log4j, Log4j. Let’s see you say that 10 times fast. If you can’t, then you may need to learn because Log4j is on the tips of everyone’s tongues right now. In fact, people are calling Log4j the biggest security breach since Tutar, Borat’s movie daughter, sneaked into The White House and had a lively face-to-face conversation with President Trump.

Top 12 AWS Security Tools You Should Know

Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides a large suite of security tools to protect workloads, data, and applications running on AWS cloud infrastructure. Among the 25 AWS-native security solutions, it’s challenging to figure out exactly what your organization needs and why. This article helps simplify your decision by overviewing the top 12 security tools and services offered by Amazon and their uses.

Top 12 AWS Security Tools You Should Know

Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides a large suite of security tools to protect workloads, data, and applications running on AWS cloud infrastructure. Among the 25 AWS-native security solutions, it’s challenging to figure out exactly what your organization needs and why. This article helps simplify your decision by overviewing the top 12 security tools and services offered by Amazon and their uses.