Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

September 2022

SOLR vs. Elasticsearch: What's the best search engine for 2022?

While modern businesses depend on data to stay ahead of the competition, data alone isn’t enough. They also need efficient search engines to quickly index and search through millions of records to make sense of the data. Today we’re looking into SOLR and Elasticsearch, the two heavyweights in this domain, to compare their performance differences and use cases.

Top 10 Cyber Threat Intelligence Tools for 2022

Cyber threat is soaring on the list of the gravest challenges plaguing organizations today. This is partly an outcome of developers including security in their development process as an afterthought. Although enterprises quickly realize the cyber threat risks to their businesses and reputation, they seem to be in a state of indecision.

The Developer's Essential Guide to Cloud Deployment Models

You’ll probably agree that there are barely any organizations left that don’t use some form of cloud computing in their daily operations. In fact, the cloud computing market is booming, with various sources expecting a worth of upwards of $600 billion within the next two years. And it makes sense: Cloud computing is the cheaper, scalable, easier-to-manage young cousin of yesteryear’s private server.